The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Steve Higgins

Updated: Thu, 20 Feb 2025 11:41 am


Contact via WOL logo


I've been writing since I was a schoolkid and now that the digital revolution has happened I send out poetry, essays, videos and blogs into cyberspace week after week. Some is good, some is bad, some is inbetween but whether anyone likes my work or not, the pleasure writing and self publishing gives me is better than any drug currently on the market, especially when someone is kind enough to press the 'like' button. My first poetry collection has been published by Cyberwit. My new Anthology comprising Poetry, Blog Posts and Short Stories is also available from Amazon: Try my website for blog posts, poetry, essays and video. Find me on Facebook: Watch my videos: See my alternate video edits on Vimeo Find me on twitter; Read my book: Floating In Space


A Girl Called Pamela Taylor. Pamela Taylor wears chic clothes Designer labels, anything goes Her coat has buttons made of gold She likes to be noticed, she’s bold. Pamela Taylor wears black boots Her body is a gun that shoots. She’s incredibly sexy and overtly erotic And her taste is impossibly exotic Pamela Taylor has blue-eyed eyes Discreetly she enters other people’s lives. She’ll trap you with magnetic sighs And it’s yourself you’ll probably despise Pamela Taylor knows all the best wine And any man she wins in time. She’s every scene-stealer and wheeler-dealer, And to the social lepers she’s a saintly healer. Pamela Taylor never pays her fees She opens locks with other people’s keys One look will slice you through if you tell her lies Or nothing she can’t easily surmise. ***** I Am That Seed. Time sleeps in the distant desert, and sitting softly under the yellow sun, dried and dehydrated, there is a seed that waits for the rains. - I am that seed. I wait for the rains with open hands and when they wash over me time wakes refreshed and I’ll drink all I need -I am that seed. The seed that longs to know the secrets of this distant desert, and when my bones lie here and mingle with the sand, The secrets of the desert -and my own- will be one -I am that seed that aches for knowledge and hungers with desire. Listen now and understand and know me now for who I really am -I am that seed

YouTube Video Poetry


Non Poetry Video

?si=oZx3l56wmasuQXuY ?si=LIAU3j4XNVPxPIn9


All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Steve Higgins

The One you Used to Be (24/04/2023)

Make Me A Child Again (01/06/2022)

The Last Bus (12/04/2022)

The French Mistress (12/03/2022)

The Humble Tree (07/02/2022)

The Day Bobby Kennedy Died (29/01/2022)

England in My Head (02/05/2021)

No Need to Talk of Love (18/02/2021)

A Regular Joe (18/12/2020)

Reasons (21/11/2020)

More audio from Steve Higgins…

Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.



Tue 2nd Feb 2021 18:30

crackers and cottage cheese.
that's the way my dad like it!


Thu 22nd Oct 2020 12:34

You should publish.

Thanks for the like on my latest.



Sun 5th Jul 2020 10:54

Thanks Steve!

You look like that cool guy Hunter S Thompson. I hope you don't mind my being so personal.



Wed 25th Mar 2020 02:28

thanks for your comment on "Still Life".

hey, at first i could not make out what it was
you were holding, but I guess it's a glass of beer?
are you toasting someone?

Lynn Hamilton

Fri 16th Oct 2015 23:47

Hi Steve

Thanks for reading and your comments on Fear. Much appreciated. x

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 21st May 2015 16:25

Thanks for your comments on "Passing Feet". The poem
was inspired by my own need for a stick these days (until
the medicos get around to treatment on a back problem!).
It is even more noticeable how quick people walk when
limited to a slower pace!

Preeti Sinha

Fri 1st May 2015 06:04

Thanks Steve for reading !

<Deleted User> (9882)

Mon 1st Dec 2014 09:42

Hi Steve-cheers for liking my I.D...x

<Deleted User> (9882)

Mon 1st Dec 2014 09:42

Hi Steve-cheers for liking my I.D...x


Fri 11th Jul 2014 21:18

Thank you Steve for appreciating my poem.
Nelly x

<Deleted User> (11967)

Sat 1st Mar 2014 16:12

Thank u, Steve) I welcome you to Saint-Petersburg! It will be one of your fantastic travelling,no doubt. Wish you to get only joy of your creation!

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 26th Feb 2014 18:30

thanks for the comment on 'Anytown' Steve and apologies for the tardiness of my reply - I've not been spending enough time on WOL recently and I've got behind with both my thank-you's and my readings of other folks work - something I intend to remedy as we head in to March :-)

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Laura Taylor

Mon 17th Feb 2014 09:42

Morning Steve!

Hey, thanks for your note on Space Debris... :)

Just a little musing on the galaxy :D (and Shirl, obv)

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 24th Dec 2013 23:57

Indeed Steve (looks about) :)

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sat 21st Dec 2013 23:42

Hi Steve.

If you Google "The dark side of Nelson Mandela"

You will find that The A.N.C.are carrying out a Mugabe type agenda in South Africa

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Steve Higgins

Thu 19th Dec 2013 21:16

Comatose/Alex; Looks like you've disapeared again! If you happen to look in have a super Christmas, best wishes, Steve :-)

<Deleted User> (11585)

Tue 17th Dec 2013 20:18

You are still the kindest guy on here. Just been reading some of your supportive comments.Hope you have fab Christmas,love Alex(the horsey one)

C Byrne

Sun 15th Dec 2013 18:20

Your samples are great! Thanks for sharing.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 15th Dec 2013 16:15

Hi Steve - writing screenplays was/is a great
experience, not only the discipline of creating
a story but the translation of it into the
correct format...and being able to accept
rejection as "the norm". Certainly, I found
the best way was to send an intro. letter/
email first to invite any interest "without prejudice". My biggest achievement was to have
a script solicited by the VP of production at
Paramount Studios in Hollywood - almost unheard
of in a $$$$$ industry that is paranoid about
accusations of plagiarism and the possibility
of lawsuits!! It wasn't taken up but, almost
two years to the day, a film called "Hard Rain"
appeared which contained many similarities to
my own submission. That always intrigued me!!!
Now I'm having as much fun and satisfaction with songs and verse. It all helps keep the
mind active and busy in retirement.
Cheers - and good luck with your own material.
Never give up.

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Sat 14th Dec 2013 01:39

Thanks Steve! I'm glad u found favourites in 2 of my poems :) thanks again

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Fri 13th Dec 2013 10:17

Wonderful poems,couldn't stop reading :) I would love to read your opinion on some of my poems. Keep blogging!

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 8th Dec 2013 13:27

thanks for the comments on 'moving on' Steve - very kind of you

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Sun 1st Dec 2013 21:38

Hi. Glad you liked "The Badger". I purloined the rhythm from "The Tiger" by William Blake. Thank you very much for reading.

<Deleted User> (11585)

Sun 1st Dec 2013 16:51

Thanks Steve for your lovely comment.Love your profile pic :)

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 28th Nov 2013 13:03

Steve - many thanks for your latest JFK post.
LBJ was one of a number of influential Texan
politicians with powerful (oil/land) friends
who kept him in the game. Your mention of that
memorandum effectively cancelling JFK's own
earlier issue really does seem sinister in the
context of events...especially the DATES
involved. It was LBJ who insisted on being
sworn in as president on the plane at Dallas
and had a friendly judge called to do it. They
even had to use a bible said to belong to the
murdered JFK - with his blood-stained wife
standing there. One photograph notoriously
captures LBJ and a Texan crony/politician
exchanging winks - as if to say "We did it!".
Being president (with a close friend in J. Edgar Hoover) and a Bobby Kennedy out of power
meant any investigation that threatened his
downfall and possible jail time could be shut
down. There are SO many various factors that
with the knowledge of hindsight, indicates that
there were dirty deeds done and not necessarily
by Oswald (whose FPs were never traced on the
rifle allegedly used) whilst he himself passed
the Dallas Police firearm residue test 100% clean. Incidentally, the pistol he carried
on arrest was found to be defective and could not be fired. What was it he said in custody
(before he was silenced forever by a Mafia "gopher") about being a "patsy"???
I was intrigued to learn that Time-Life, the
organisation that bought the famous Zapruder
film for a fortune then effectively "sat on it"
for ten years when it was then said to have been tampered with, was anti-Kennedy and had connections with the CIA - a number of whose
people were on its payroll, with the man who
authorised the purchase of the film among them!
Check "Operation Mongoose" for the CIA and the media. It all gets SO murky, doesn't it?

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Laura Taylor

Mon 28th Oct 2013 12:54

Howdy Steve :)

Good - I am delighted that WOL has inspired you! Oh, and I only joined this site 3 years ago, had written ONE piece before that, and never ever really paid any mind to poetry. Never read it, wasn't into it.

When I first joined, my profile simply said 'Performed nowhere, published nowhere'.

I wouldn't say I was an expert, no, but what I HAVE done is just simply wanted to keep writing, to see what I could do, to keep trying different things. Some of my earlier poems were quite good, but most were pants :D

It is only ever YOU that makes the difference between continuing and improving, both writing AND performing, and not being arsed about it enough to do that.

Keep writing, and keep trying! I've enjoyed a few of your pieces, as you know. You've more to come, I'm certain of it.

Performing is terrifying. There's no two ways about it. I still SHIT myself beforehand, and convince myself no one will want to hear my 'pathetic crap'. Practice x 10000000 - it may be terrifying, but if you can touch people, and you hear that applause, the buzz is HUGE :D

Very best of wishes to you Steve and I look forward to reading more by you :)

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 16th Oct 2013 18:35

thanks for your kind comments regarding the cuckoo waltz poem Steve - totally agree with you about the Chaplin/L&H comparison - sorry i'm a bit late in responding - I'm getting a bit behind due to other commitments at the moment - so in catch up mode with the thank you's - anyway, very kind of you - cheers

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Wed 9th Oct 2013 10:27

Thank you, Steve. Unfortunately, this one isn't based on a figment of my imagination. Though I am probably more of a "bag of kittens".

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Tue 1st Oct 2013 10:23

My neighbours cat disappeared and was found much later curled in a ball under the stairs dead. I think they find a quiet place when they are ill. Fortunately, the field mouse was a figment of my imagination.

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John Coopey

Mon 30th Sep 2013 22:48

Hello Steve,
Many thanks for your kind thoughts on "Cottage Sleaze".

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