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The Last Bus

It’s the end of the day

And It’s time to take the last bus home

I’ve travelled this road for many years

And when it comes to my final stop

I doubt if I’ll shed any tears

I’ll press the bell and slip through the doors

I won’t travel on that bus any more.


At the end of the day

Nothing lasts forever

Every winter gives way to spring

And it’s time to hop off the bus and do my own thing

I won’t say goodbye because it’s not the sort of thing I do

I’ll just slip through the door and walk away

I don’t work there any more.


Still, it’s not really the end of the day

More like just the evening.

I can stay up late and have a lie in

And there won’t be an alarm clock making a din

I can go into town and sink a few pints

Then walk round the corner for the last bus home

I’ve a feeling I might do that some more.



◄ The French Mistress

Make Me A Child Again ►


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Steve Higgins

Fri 15th Apr 2022 13:25

Thanks Stephen. I was looking forward to my last day at work but I took some holidays and my boss recommended using up my remaining leave so my last day was in fact already behind me!

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 13th Apr 2022 14:56

Nice one, Steve. It describes that 'transition' moment perfectly.

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