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The Day Bobby Kennedy Died

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I was watching television when Bobby Kennedy died

I was only twelve years old 

But old enough to cry

I ran out into the garden somewhere

And quietly said a prayer

But that didn’t seem to matter,

because Bobby Kennedy died


I was kind of upset that no one was listening

I just wish they’d answered my prayers

I remember going to bed that night

dragging my feet on the stairs


My brother sprayed me with water the day Bobby Kennedy died

He had a brand-new water pistol

And his aim was rather good

I chased him out of the garden

And threw his pistol down

But that didn’t seem to matter

because nothing that day was good


Of course, death comes to all of us

Nobody lives forever

But here was a man who deserved much more

He was a man of his time, made to measure


I heard about Robert Kennedy on the television news

Come to think of it

I don’t think I ever heard anything good

On the television news

Just a man who lost his sons

Both killed by guns

Of course it wasn’t just a story

That rattled around my head

And the ending can’t be good when a good man lies dead.



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Steve Higgins

Tue 1st Feb 2022 12:08

Thanks for looking in Stephen. Yes, it did seem as though everyone was shooting someone back in the 60s, come to think of it, not too different from today

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 31st Jan 2022 21:45

I am of your vintage,, Steve, and I also remember seeing the assassination on TV. At that time I thought everyone in America was shooting each other -perhaps not far wrong- as I had a clear memory a few years before of Jack Ruby shooting Oswald. Your poem brings it all vividly to life.

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Steve Higgins

Sun 30th Jan 2022 18:59

Thanks both to MC and Greg for commenting. The RFK shooting was the first major news event I remember. I was very shocked and somehow became convinced he would survive making it all the more shocking when he did succumb to his injuries. I must have been about 11 at the time.

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 30th Jan 2022 13:34

Yes - I'm one of those OCs. The participation of his convicted
killer Sirhan Sirhan has never been convincingly explained.
The echoes of JFKs' own murder resonate in sinister fashion..

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Greg Freeman

Sun 30th Jan 2022 09:37

There are a few old codgers on here who remember such days, Steve. And this feels like a song. Or rather, a lament.

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