The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Tue, 29 Dec 2009 07:00 pm

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All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Cate

Unwanted (18/12/2013)

Touch and Go (18/11/2013)

The Last Song (26/06/2013)

I Am Ill (01/05/2012)

Naughty Digits! (15/06/2011)

Uncle Ned (12/03/2011)

Under The Stairs (28/01/2011)

Biting The Bullet (04/09/2010)

Pandora`s Box (19/05/2010)

Tosspot! (16/05/2010)

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Ged the Poet

Fri 17th Oct 2014 21:09

Cate. Thank you very much for your kind words on Another Grey Day. Pleased you liked it ;)Appreciated.

Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Fri 17th Oct 2014 17:24

Hi Cate.
Many thanks for your Kind comment.
Much appreciated. Ken

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Gray Nicholls

Thu 21st Nov 2013 13:05

thanks for the comments, solar on my little poem.

i have now amended the little slip from teats to yeats but glad you liked it. it was kinda a fun piece for me.

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Tue 20th Aug 2013 07:14

apols for the delay Cate - thanks for reading :-)

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John Coopey

Fri 9th Aug 2013 00:01

Hello Cate,
Glad you enjoyed "Lord Frackin Howell".
On another front I have received from Isobel the prestigious 3rd prize from the 52 Hertz competition. I must say I was a little disappointed with the "inflateable" but have successfully adapted it for purpose.

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Tue 2nd Jul 2013 05:38

Hi Cate,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on 'Echo' - very much appreciated.

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Laura Taylor

Tue 12th Jun 2012 12:50

Many thanks for your note on 'Mountains', Cate - appreciate you taking the time to read and comment :)

<Deleted User> (6315)

Mon 28th Nov 2011 16:54

Hello there Cate :o)

Many thanks for taking a look at Indian King and for the lovely comment..appreciated :o)

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Laura Taylor

Fri 25th Nov 2011 10:34

Hi Cate

Cheers for your note on Break The Loop. Like lots of kids I got bullied from the get go. Also had incredibly difficult problems with my daughter, who is gay, and was badly bullied by pretty much the entire school for the last 2 years of her school life.

The school refused to recognise it as homophobic bullying, didn't do a thing about it, it wasn't covered in the school bullying policy either. So I took it to the LEA and we pushed for over a year to get the problem recognised and dealt with. Eventually, after having to threaten them with legal action, using the excellent resources at Schools Out, and making complaints to the police, they relented, accepted it, changed the policy to include homophobia, and also introduced the subject in two community classes. Could have done with someone like you on our side back then!

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Dave Bradley

Thu 24th Nov 2011 18:09

Thanks for commenting Cate. When is there going to be more from you? x

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Graham Eccles

Tue 22nd Nov 2011 13:43

Hi Cate. Big thanks for your comment on 'True Manna', glad it touched you. I spent a day of pondering and wandering, firstly in the day time, to a beautiful church in Stratton, Cornwall, where i got to explore from the top of the tower to the final cornerstone. Then returned at night with drizzle and owl calls. True Manna was the night time inspired one, the daytime one 'but first through the gate' was a little lighter. Nice to have two, daytime, nighttime, both sides of the coin. An experiment in openness. Not often i get two in one day straight out with no corrections. At least it made sense to at least one person. :D

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John Coopey

Sun 20th Nov 2011 22:39

Hello Cate. Glad you liked "Everybody's Gone Serfin'". I poached a lot from the John O'Farrell book and, of course, the tune from the Beach Boys. Still, they pinched it from Chuck Berry!

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John Coopey

Wed 12th Oct 2011 11:33

Hello Cate
Thanks for commenting on "Widening the Circle of Friends". I really didn't need to define "fizzog" - just direct folks to my foto!

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winston plowes

Wed 5th Oct 2011 14:09

Hi Cate, Thankyou for adding such a nice comment to my poem 'Autism' You are right of course. but what about a kiss from a child who has very mild (Possibly undiagnosed) Autism or from an Autistic adult or if that kiss is desired or not by someone. Only saying this to illustrate that this is such a big topic and more widespread than most think.

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John Coopey

Mon 18th Jul 2011 22:51

Hello Cate,
Thanks for your thoughts on "Boots".
I only ever get to be naughty in my head these days!


Sun 17th Jul 2011 18:04

Hi Cate - many thanks for your comments on Solitary - can see what you mean about Wordsworth - best regards


Sun 17th Jul 2011 18:03

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Alan Morrison

Mon 11th Jul 2011 17:08

Thanks so much for your kind comment on "Les Mots qui Rient" (Laughing Words). I found it a joy that you appeciate the sonnet-form. So many don't. In fact because of the seemingly rigid structure the sonnet seems to have become passé, which I regard as a tragedy. I think it is one of the most powerful forms of poetic expression ever to be created. Just the meter makes me go weak at the knees :-) Honestly, I think I belong in the era of the troubadours and early sonneteers!

Take care and thanks again for the contact.


<Deleted User> (7789)

Thu 30th Jun 2011 23:03

Hi Cate - ta for comment on the Greek mini-poem - wrote it as a whim really - spur of the moment thing just as i was about to pop out to the shops!!

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Sun 26th Jun 2011 22:02

Thanks for your comments on my last two Cate. Not sure enough peeps would understand the last one to perform it.
Re the first one, I had dad in mind when I wrote about the tally. I have vivid recollections of him being delighted every time on of his work colleagues popped it. 'You never guess who's died' being the first thing he'd say as I walked through the door... Poor Harry Pickworth...

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kath hewitt

Tue 21st Jun 2011 20:27

Hi Cate,

Thank you for commenting on Daddys girl, much appreciated.

K x

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Laura Taylor

Tue 21st Jun 2011 09:15

Thanks for your note on Ring of Roses Cate :) I actually love dead flowers, heh.

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 19th Jun 2011 21:07

Cate - Many thanks for taking the time to comment (mackerel sky). B

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Emma McCourty

Thu 16th Jun 2011 15:20

Thank you Cate, for you comment on Old Glitter and Flip flops :o) glad you like it. look forward to seeing more of your work :o)

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winston plowes

Wed 15th Jun 2011 23:35

Hi Cate, Glad you liked the melancholic reflectiveness of 1971, hope it was a better year for you than me! Win

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Gus Jonsson

Wed 15th Jun 2011 18:20

Indeed Cate ....

I much prefer 'Frosties' for Breakfast!

Thanks for reading and making comment.

Gus xx

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Elaine Booth

Sun 22nd May 2011 19:38

Hi Cate, now I know who you are! I shall take the time to have a browse through your postings here! Hope you are enjoying that Gibson guitar of yours. X

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Fri 8th Apr 2011 22:06

Hi Cate,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on
'Stranger in a strange land'...
Yes... purpose, loneliness, grief, etc., all part of the human condition.

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John Coopey

Tue 5th Apr 2011 14:10

ello Cate
Thanks for your thoughts on 84-0.
It really did happen. One of our first games for the u13s.
I have cribbed almost entirely one by Pam Ayres called 13-0 about her son making the school football team. You should check out her superior original.

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Andy N

Mon 28th Mar 2011 21:38

thanks for the comment on 'Spring is coming' Cat.. To be honest, it was only meant to be a little bit of fun this one while I am working on some somewhat more heavier stuff, shall we say but I did have great fun reflecting spring in all of it's beauty.

let's hope it a good un this year! A

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