The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


First performed Manchester Green Room 1998 Co - Hosted THE BIG BANG at The Ducie Bridge with Big Bill Doran. I currently work out of a studio within Islington Mill, Salford, Manchester where I spend most days painting and writing with Augusta Darling. She is still very much part of me and intends to continue writing and hopes to publish her poems soon for those who may be interested. As for me, I wish I was as good a poet as she , I wish her the very best of luck. The link to my my blog site is:


Where Do We Go From Here? Where do we go from here? Not an uncommon question I hear you say Gone tomorrow Here today Where to go When to stay Here one minute Gone the next For one who has got there The question 'Why' is the catalyst? Was he pushed? Was he pissed? Or for that matter Nothing's offered on a platter So who gives a monkey's uncle? The question nonetheless remains Where do we go from here? Dear Even, as it invariably is, singular Where do I go from here? Having got here From there With little or no time to spare Is neither here Or there A mere bagatelle Can't you tell And I for one Don't care I don't care A flippity gibbet A fuckity Duck Still Where do we go from here? Despite all the fuss Time and tide waits for no man Ebbing and flowing At our comings and going Next thing you know You will have missed your go No second chance No backward glance The bus of life will pass you by All because you stopped to stare Three will come along At the same time And guess Who won't be able to afford the fare Fair? I don’t think so Do you? So where do we go from here? A glass of crack and a smile of beer Well once again We stand alone Seen it Done it Worn the vest Tread the well worn path My friend Lay back and think of England Mendacity at its best Drown your sorrows In whiskey Drown you sorrows in beer Where do we go? I really don't know Where do we go from here?

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tue 21st Oct 2014 19:51

Hello Gus, thanks so much for your comment on Orange County! It's much appreciated, I'm glad you could see the tones in the poem! Orange, peach, ginger! :D x

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Sun 9th Dec 2012 11:55

Wigan isn't a bear pit - I'd dispute that accusation to the bitter end. We like a laugh - but on the whole I don't think you'd find a more respectful audience in the North West. I've been to plenty where poets give the impression they are listening because they are sat there quietly - but they must be intent on thinking about what they are about to perform next - cos they don't react to the bits they should react to. There are a lot of egos out there. I'd say that on the whole ALL poets are valued at the Tudor.

I can appreciate that being told to 'cheer up' can be a bit irksome when you aren't up to it though. Perhaps it's just a case of riding out the storm and knowing where to go when it's all over. Hope to see you at something soon anyway. xx

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Chris Co

Mon 30th Apr 2012 18:28

Thx for commenting on my last Gus. Glad you like it.

Memories seem to be a theme that neither of us strays too far from. They're always there wanting to have their say.

I can say that is something in your case that I am thankful for.



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Chris Co

Mon 23rd Apr 2012 16:40

Hi Gus,

You know I love the poems and prose of your childhood, as always beautifully observed- not something remotely easy to achieve.

In terms of poetry and venues, it is just people being precious and egos, it'll all die down eventually.

What I would say is we'd love to see you and hear your poety at the 'Wirral Ode Show' or 'ThePoetry Spoke', the latter of which is on tomorrow night (see blogs).

My Best


darren thomas

Sat 7th Apr 2012 10:00

Hi Gustle - many thanks for your recent comment - I would be interested to know WHY you think what you think - I need varying perspectives at the moment. You can be rough with me...

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Andy N

Fri 6th Apr 2012 13:01

cheers for the comment over in dreams, gus... perhaps i should become of the dirty thirty but cathy would probably beat me up - lol..

hope you are good.

i'm working not that far from your studio.. should defo pop over after work when i can and you are around..

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Tue 16th Aug 2011 12:35

Hello you - long time no see! I thought you were supposed to be flogging some books over summer - have you been doing it out the back of your jag? I'm glad to hear that you still have one and that it hasn't been fireballed. Thanks for your pawmark - I always love to read your witticisms! xx

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Tue 21st Jun 2011 10:40

thanks for your insightful comment on my poem gus , missing your hugs right now x x

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Fri 4th Mar 2011 23:17

Thanks for your comment Gus - that is praise indeed! I think you have to know me to understand and dig that poem - for once it isn't really about language. xx

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Jeff Dawson

Thu 17th Feb 2011 08:03

Reds? Brentford? Rotherham? Don't know who you mean!

Nat who, cheeky swine! ha, nice one Gus great to see you, Jeffarama!

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Thu 27th Jan 2011 18:40

Thanks for commenting on my La dee da dee da poem. With all these wonderful site changes, it looks like I'll soon have nothing to write or complain about! Will have to start writing serious poetry then! x

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John Coopey

Thu 27th Jan 2011 15:58

Hi Gus
Many thanks for your response to my comments on Raged the Wind.
Good to hear you keep in touch with Augusta. She was, in fact, something of an inspiration for me when I did Cradle, my latest blog. I tried to capture some of that sense of "oooo..err" she puts into her mysteries.

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Tue 25th Jan 2011 08:42

Ha - I should have known it was a poem by that scantily clad young madam - that woman gets around!

I am well thanks - just about managing to keep my head above water in all the effluence :) x

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Sat 22nd Jan 2011 17:17

I was going to comment on the last poem you posted but it has gone now. I'd meant to come back to it when I had more time and thought that it had been buried by ten tons of.... as happens on here.... but I see that it has quite simply gone.

There was a lot of great imagery in it - parts of it were a bit repulsive though - the worming cold tongue and all... couldn't make my mind up whether it was old man with young girl or two old people - the female being a nicer person :)

Ho hum. It was different anyway. x

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Paul F Blackburn

Wed 19th Jan 2011 20:32

Thanks for the comment Gus, I was slightly inspired by your intro on Sunday: 'You know when you go into a brothel...'

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Ray Miller

Sat 15th Jan 2011 12:09

Is it elitist to offer up an honest opinion on someone's work whilst acknowledging what is good about that work? Was I rude? I thought we were having an adult conversation. I'm a lot of bad things, perhaps, but I'm not elitist.

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Sun 9th Jan 2011 22:52

Thanks for your comment on my disappearence and for really understanding what I was saying.

'be littled be valued and bewildered' sounds like a song - I shall have to sing it!

In my case it was rather more than just a 'busy man' but I'm sure he thought I was hell on earth to live with also. It is sad but funny to think that we all make each other's hell. There is a lot to be said for being your own master or mistress. :-)
Thanks for the offer of a cuddle in Butterflies - I shall remember to wear my cast iron thermals! x

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winston plowes

Wed 5th Jan 2011 19:24

What Gus likes must be good. He has good taste! Thanks very much for dropping by and commenting on Sappho, Win x

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Rachel Bond

Wed 5th Jan 2011 17:31

thank for your comments on 'dirty rag'. see you soon x

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Rachel McGladdery

Tue 21st Dec 2010 17:50

Hiya Gus, lolling at the thought of your chin and nose tissue balaclava, thanks for the kind comment on my latest one,

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Chris Co

Mon 13th Dec 2010 17:48

Hey Gus, thanks for the feedback on Forbidden Fruit...glad you liked it.

Hopefuly catch you at an upcoming event in the New Year, be it Bolton, Middleton or Wigan.

Have a lovely Christmas

My Best


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Fri 19th Nov 2010 09:29

Gus , so glad you enjoyed my poem , take me out sometime :) in your big coat !

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Paul F Blackburn

Sat 16th Oct 2010 06:31

Hi Gus,
Hope you are well, haven't seen you for a bit, hope you are well and thriving.

Thanks for commenting on my poem 'Freedom' though your original comment threw me as I didn't know what a 'urist' was - a dwarf? I enjoyed your 'Plate and spoon' poem and your picture for Augusta's poem too.

<Deleted User> (8159)

Fri 15th Oct 2010 17:42

thank you, Gus

btw, lovely, down to earth poem about a vain plate!

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Fri 15th Oct 2010 17:12

Yes - I see where you are going with that cigarette analogy Gus. If I apply that logic to the malodorous dish, what the dishwasher upper really wants is to be free of the onerous task of washing up. Crack that habit, learn to eat with one's fingers and life would be a little simpler. A communal eating pot is what my family needs (a saucepan maybe) along with more simplified table manners. I've always enjoyed eating with my fingers - vastly underutilsed implements in the western world... But then I guess, the fingers might start to rebel and then what?

Forgive my rabbiting - just like thinking aloud in a silly kind of way.

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Freda Davis

Wed 13th Oct 2010 22:49

I like your sad little plate. Obviously similar desire to mine, to see the world.

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Freda Davis

Wed 13th Oct 2010 22:48

Thanks for your comment Gus. I was for a while travelling the highways by thumb, as I had neither car nor money and needed to be off and roaming. Much more sensible now, sadly.

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winston plowes

Tue 12th Oct 2010 15:00

Hi Gus, thanks for reading the train one :-).I have made some more comments on the blog page. Win x

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Sat 9th Oct 2010 03:20

Merci pour tes commentaires sur mon poème 'Thoughts of You'...
Are you talking about a better page layout?
Quelles sont tes suggestions ?


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Andy N

Mon 20th Sep 2010 13:38

thanks for the version of 'they cut into the hill' - am well impressed with that, must admit.. you took it in a very different way to me but I love it...

I'm off next week - will text you later in the week to see when you are free for a pop in as this piece is probably going to be one of a series of poems!

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