The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

When Fat Elvis was the King

Beatle mop tops when all you need is love

Rolling Stones not satisfied would ever fade away

In fields of wild strawberry forever hallelujahs ring

In the midnight hour how sweet it was to be loved

Oh yes indeed how sweet it was


LSD purple hearts two a Penny lane

Flower power we made love not war


When fat Elvis was the king


Fashion passion Ray

Really got me going in the summer time

Insignificance turning everything a whiter shade

Jimmy Hendrix through a misty purple haze

Was the guitar wizard of the joint


When fat Elvis was the king


Vietnam the killing fields flowed with children

Was the answer blowing in the wind?

Would you still love me tomorrow?

Maybe baby that will be the day that you die

So it might as well rain until September


LSD purple hearts two a Penny Lane

Flower power we made love not war


When fat Elvis was the king


Did you read the news today?

 Oh boy…..


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