The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Rachel Bond

Updated: Tue, 22 May 2012 03:51 am

Contact via WOL logo


i write my life fact and fiction different syles of words and diction different languages run together create memory invent lie decieve as a poet percieves the impossibility of a life without dreams... to be continued...


please read blogs. tendency to list poems for set periods of time and hoard loads of work under the bed i hide poems so that when i rediscover them i m surprised and i like them again. poetry is magic as its new every time it is read some relisting ocassionally to aid the flow. listing of song lyric/ examples of others work not unknown here. writer of many million comments good and bad. i love reading i love writing Write Out Loud!!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 14th Jul 2019 01:01

"Bond, Rachel..."

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Stu Buck

Fri 5th Feb 2016 12:01

hi rachel
thanks for giving my stuff a read and commenting. always nice to wake up to a few interesting points.

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Martin Elder

Thu 23rd Jul 2015 22:33

Hi Rachel
Thanks for your comments on Brighton beach. Yes I realise on reflection the last line didn't make a great deal of sense. It was more a sense of irony in actually being ready for bed but not wanting to admit it as I was tired.
Glad you liked it

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 1st Jun 2015 22:16

thanks for your kind comments Rachel - I love Crows too - hence the name of my music recording project ;-) you don't suppose there could be some hidden message in that ancient text do you?...surely not....

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Rachel Bond

Wed 24th Jul 2013 16:41

haha..thanks isobel x

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Mon 22nd Jul 2013 09:50

Hi Rachel - I'd love to get you one of those lovely little ornaments but when I've priced them up they are hundreds of pounds. But don't worry - I'll get you the nearest thing I can afford - they come a lot cheaper in plastic!

Look forward to seeing you soon. x

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 22nd May 2013 19:36

thanks for your kind comments on 'in the belly of the whale' rachel - i'm so pleased that you picked up on the title - which just dropped into my mind as i wrote it ( the original title was to be 'the lonely call of mankind' but i was so pleased when a lightbulb went on and that title surfaced (whoops, mixed metaphor there - but you know what I mean). I love your 52 hertz effort as well by the way - very image rich and loving the quasi-religious angle to it. I love poetry that tells a story in a more oblique way, using image and suggestion rather than direct reporting - and yours ticks all the right boxes on that score - well done :-)

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Danny Metcalfe.

Sun 12th May 2013 14:03

Thanks for your comment. All is good. I suppose it 's a good thing it caused such a reaction. I hope you shall read more of my writing and I shall read yours also.
Hope all is well.

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Rachel Bond

Sat 11th May 2013 11:19

no problem alex. yeh it was a good night ;)

<Deleted User> (6315)

Fri 29th Mar 2013 23:12

Hi not real was s'posed to read as an old being the 'ol'banger!..It was for the comp about inanimate objects..was gonna be a car or a dildo..the car won out!

<Deleted User> (10993)

Fri 22nd Mar 2013 18:05

Thanks for interesting comment on 'She'. I'm a girl and u probably be right, be stuck on my roundabout forever ! x

<Deleted User> (10993)

Thu 21st Mar 2013 10:02

Love your bio and sample page.

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Sat 16th Mar 2013 10:11

Thanks for your comment on my poem Rachel. I'm guessing us girls all have plenty of coats in the wardrobe. x

darren thomas

Wed 6th Mar 2013 20:32

Hi Rachel - thanks for your recent comments.

I'm enjoying your narratives. Always unpredictable. Always fascinating.


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kealan coady

Tue 12th Feb 2013 12:06

hi rach, of course ya can, if ya want i can drop them up to you this friday?

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Laura Taylor

Mon 11th Feb 2013 09:41

Hello lovely :) Hope you're doing okay. Ta for your comments, and yeh, it has been too long. We should get our arses together once hibernation mode is over, eh ;) xxx

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Sat 19th Jan 2013 21:18

Your 40 rat poem is opening now Rachel, though you may want to reblog it cos it's pretty far down the blog list.


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Wed 16th Jan 2013 13:06

Ditto - I don't get the same problem with other blogs though. I'll drop a line to the techies to ask them what the problem is. x

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 16th Jan 2013 12:36

Ditto for 40 Rats blank page comes up!

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 14th Jan 2013 23:30


#1 Rachel- ''I have my own genres.'' Tae Kwon Do or butchery may resolve your need for 'poeticide' ;o). I do re-read my own stuff regularly- and sometimes also feel a distance between 'us' both. Maybe that is the sign of nascent maturity?

#2 Rachel- re your post to myself; have you not considered that your poetry may be 'universal' and therefore have value to an unknown reader?

#3 poeticide is a good word. i keep the ones that are important. some get deletisized.the genre thing is really to say i have a distance from a lot of my subjects but make them personal. some turn out to be something i want to keep personal. sometimes i write for me. sometimes for others, but i agree that nascent maturity allows for me to see that sometimes what i write is an elaborate escape and sometimes i like to keep it real.

4# yes tommy i have thought about that and i agree, its really why i continue to post or write at all. however i also believe in the field of dreams...'build and they will come' only in this case instead of building a big baseball park i clear out my old poems to make way for the new. fresh ideas. in art i work sequentially, ideas build change and develop. with writing i like to write as if ive never written anything before. which is why some read like that. i like to write with different 'voices' from different perspectives and let styles work together. i have my own genres.

#5 'new me.' sometimes i read back old poems and they have become that. outdated thinking, old thought processes. i like to clear em out and start again with a fresh page hoping for inspiration. thanks for asking x

#6 tommy, its a tough one. i believe that if something is written and posted and it offends which all sorts of material is likely to do on all sorts of grounds..i think the writer should be held accountable to their readers as would be with published work. here a comments system if i were to offend i would personally feel obliged to defend, explain my writing. sometimes its an agree to differ situation. if someone were to post something inciting hatred be it racial, concerning disability, whatever i still beilieve it should stand and be criticised. As such it offers an exampler of its inadequacy as an idea. if someone were to post sexually inapropriate material i believe there should be a standard of censure based on the accessibility of this site to young people as a moral obligation.
concerning freedom of speech once blogged this goes out to the world potentially. Its a gift but just a medium. free up for exploitation like anything else. I think we can only measure our own writing. I have only ever once been offended by a slight comment on this site and ive been a member for years. I think that a sign of its credibility and the level of responsibility of its writers.
Thanks for posting this.

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 3rd Jan 2013 03:37

I remember (at times) staring past each others shoulders- I remember reading you: the lines you have now left in another's sand, I read your posts like some 'ackowlagement' acknowledgement of its past. Though the shoulders were always in the way. I 'appoligise' apologise for this. My miss-spelling is my way of saying sorry. Tommy x

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Rachel Bond

Tue 4th Dec 2012 22:23

Ha Ha i might paint itr bright orange :)

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Jeff Dawson

Sat 15th Sep 2012 10:14

Hi Rach, thanx for your comment on Cotton Town, glad you like it, and yes the mill looks bit like EBM round the corner, you should paint it! Err on canvas, not the whole building!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 8th Aug 2012 20:24

Cheers Rachel
for going out of your way
to comment on me blog
re-'Mr Dark and I.

Donnie darko-top film!

'To be Frank?'...shit 'ot!

And cheers also big ears
for continuing ter put flesh
on the bones of this site.

Thank you.

steve mellor

Tue 3rd Apr 2012 16:52

Hi Rachel
I appreciate your taking the time to read and comment on my 'Superfacial'

It's not really linked to anything. I wrote it about 3 years ago, and was something of a balance to the poem I posted on Sunday - 'Out'

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Greg Freeman

Mon 2nd Apr 2012 21:33

Thanks for looking at The River, Rachel. I'm glad you liked it. Greg

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Laura Taylor

Thu 29th Mar 2012 10:03

Love the new bio Rach - that's really touching - can identify with that

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Barbi Touron

Thu 22nd Mar 2012 17:41

Hi Rachel, I love your bio. it's really beautiful. I do wish I could read more of your writing, for I have always enjoyed it. This is what i am talking about "may only the petals of flowers come from my mouth". and your keyboard perhaps?

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Shirley Smothers

Tue 13th Mar 2012 16:02

Hi Rachel. It's me again. You might be interested to know that I posted "Altars to the Gods" a second time. This post has a better illustration.


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Rachel Bond

Mon 12th Mar 2012 22:58

may only the petals of flowers come from my mouth x

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