Become Something Frail, my new collection, is available to pre-order now from Selcouth Station Press or by contacting me directly on here, twitter or by email @stuartmbuck My work has been published extensively in print and online in journals such as Atlanta Review, Ink, Sweat & Tears, Northampton Poetry Review, The Stare's Nest, Eunoia Review, Acumen, Cultured Vultures, Deadsnakes, isacoustic, Anti-Heroin Chic, Nightingale & Sparrow, Mojave Heart, worktoacalm, RIC Journal, Lost Souls Anthology, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Erbacce Journal, Rats Ass Review, Rhythm n Bone, The Seventh Quarry, Melancholy Hyperbole, Walking is Still Honest, Philosophical Idiot, Horny Poetry Review, Blue Page Lit, Kissing Dynamite, Marias at Sampaguitas, Honey & Lime Lit, Yellow Chair Review, Selcouth Station, Vamp Cat Magazine, The Haiku Journal, Back Patio Press, The Tanka Journal, SUBROSA, Storyteller, Gambling the Aisle, The Sunflower Collective, Under the Fable and many more. I have been a featured poet on 'Caught in the Net', Poetry Super Highway, artisticechoes and in FIVEPoetry. Shortlisted two years in a row for the Erbacce Prize. One of 12 emerging UK poets chosen to take part in the Bedtime Stories for the End of the World Podcast Best of the Net Nominee 2019 I also sell some of my art. It is available here -
jocasta awakens from a dream a breath away from sunrise, she swallows the neon light casts xylophonic slivers on the cardboard walls draped in nothing but a smile she whirls; cyclonic amongst the explosion of monarchs stained glass skippers she holds in her hand some flying free, some crushed beneath bare feet like panic breaths taken while held underwater and when the sun turns up the volume on the day she will open the blinds and let perfection thrash her corneas stare straight in to the screaming mouth of luminescence erupt in to a new day, full of exquisite green hope narcissa and the needles and we twisted through the night you are pale lace quiver so out here no one noticed you were thin that your forearms were an atlas a topography of bruises from the pricking as i lay, you whirled above me and i swear i could see the stars right through your skin trictophilia i brush her hair in the pale butter sun that paints the tops of the grass on a bluegrass june and she looks like a kramskoi siren in whispered lace the edges of which just hint at movement, of milky calf and powder, and we sit there in silence until the sirens begin to buzz like cicadas in the distance and the blue pulse washes over me like a knife blade or a terrible dream
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Stuart Buck
kiss boom (12/07/2019)
the bird and the puddle (05/07/2019)
perfect grass poem (05/06/2019)
sexual apocalypse at the gym poem (24/05/2019)
matches (19/05/2019)
cosmic fuck poem (10/05/2019)
click/clack (04/05/2019)
think back/pink black (22/04/2019)
providence (10/04/2019)
i am made of water and so are you (02/04/2019)
- 2015 - 2016 (4)
Do you want to be featured here? Submit your profile.
I am taken with your art as I can see clearly the influence of Science Fiction. I particularly liked the one with the Zeppelin issuing black tentacles. Any more?
Cheers Stu for your post re 'Knock-Knock' I agree! (chuckle) ? Tommy ...(have I already responded to you to my post earlier or...hang on I'm going to lie ((or is it lye?)) down...)
aye up Stu - thanks for commenting on 'Monday Morning - 9AM' glad to say I've left all that corporate crap behind - so writing that from a safe distanmce. Don't miss those early morning meetings at all - or the folk depicted in this poem ?
thanks for commenting on 'heatwave' Stu - yes - it's odd where these daily prompts take you - haven't thought about those is=ce lollies for years - and up it pops ?
thanks for the kind comments on 'recipe for disaster' Stu - yes - even I'm getting bored with the politics now ? needed a few months away from writing but back with a vengeance ?
Stu - high praise indeed - thanks for your words on "knock - Knock"
Yo Stu!!
Stu, I haven't been out to WOL, Sale, in months now. But there has always been Open Mic for anyone who comes early enough to 'register' on a 'first come first served' basis. The time is definitely limited, depending on the numbers, but it would be an opportunity to promote your book.
Have you ever contacted the 'leaders' re: a guest slot again?
I might actually be well enough to participate in March. Ring out the Joy Bells! I sure hope so.
Hi Stu, thanks a lot for your comment on Souvenir, really appreciate your feedback. T ?
Hi Stu,
Just read your sample poems and they are sublime. Don't know how you do it. It's not often I think " I wish I'd written that" but really I'm thinking that now. I wouldn't mind buying your first collection.
John Short
Hi Stu! Thanks for the favourable comment on The Legacy
thanks for the kind comments on 'Bevin Boy' Stu - apologies it's taken so long for me to respond - been off the site for a couple of weeks pursuing music projects - back now :-) I appreciate you taking the time to comment
Stu re
"My" I think repetition
is a literal thrill.
I was at school
and Mr Monaghan
"tut tutted' my
use of it.
Thank you Stu for your pointed lean against a shoulder
Ta La
Big Sal
Sun 29th Jul 2018 15:26
Much obliged.?
thanks for commenting on 'the weeping angel' Stu - she was from my home city - there's quite a lot in the news about her at the moment - but, until very recently, her story wasn't even known in Wakefield - I'm really pleased that's changed because it is a truly remarkable story
thanks for the kind comments on 'Daily Howl' mate - but where've ya been? I haven't written a political poem this year (yet) *wink*
Thank you Stu. I was aiming at that, and you summed it up. Tommy xx
Stu many thanks for comment on Ted Crow & I'll keep an eye out for this Max Porter. Dom
Ta for y'note on me final haiku Stu. Reckon it just about sums up everything for me at the moment, surrounded as we are by madmen.
Stu, thanks for your most recent comment. I've changed the'poem' a bit, and I'm only hoping I've not spoiled what you liked.
It refuses to be 'categorised' as any 'type' of form. It just fights back. And so I let it be what it is. I'm not sure it's 'poetry' at all.
Stu, thank you for your recent comment on my latest poem. I understand what you say. Poets seem attracted by human existence and the world about us which provides a good deal to think about. I first approached religion in a rationalistic way. How did this all come to be? Why am I here? Then there is the faith approach of belief with little or no evidence. This path invariably steers people into some kind of institutionalised religious grouping be it Church , Temple or Mosque. I developed a faith but soon could not cope with institutionalised religion as I found it corrupt and controlling. As I apporach the age of seventy I would describe myself as a free thinker with a profound faith but not one determined by others. Thanks again for your comment. Keith
Thu 17th Aug 2017 01:11
Thanks for the comment on my profile picture, Stu. I sketched that years ago when I was spending much too much time in solitude and it is one of the few things that survived my return to the world.
I hope things are going well with your writing,'s very good to hear from you.
Stuart, there is no Sale poetry evening in August; it is a 'holiday' month for the MC's. For us all. At least, that's what I understand. Just in case you were planning to join us again, please double check.
And thanks for your supportive comments, always.
HI Stu
Just wondering whether you are considering under the fable in Manchester this year
Wed 5th Jul 2017 02:21
Hey, Stu! These are for you, proceeding your adventure with the owls..
..just wanted to say I'm thinkin' about ya', dear fella...
Hi Stu
Thanks for your line on Thelma and Louise, that's a real compliment coming from you.
Hey Stu, thanks for your comment on 'The Roast'. It means a lot. Keep up the good work yourself! DB.
Thanks for your kind comments on 'The Mayfly Dance' mate - I'm pleased you liked it - not mu usual stuff, I tend not to go in for that 'love poetry' thang
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Mae Foreman
Sat 13th Jul 2019 16:41
Hi Stu! My God you're good! Love your work ?