The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.


I am a Greek woman, poet, writer, translators and cancer survivor. I fell in love with music from early on as a young girl and through the inspiration of lyrics I first discovered my love of the spoken word. I expanded to literature, reading and writing and I now write poetry, prose, poetry, short stories and mother goose rhymes. I have been writing for the past seven years. I started writing when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 and even though I overcame cancer, I never stopped writing. I experimented with metered verse and prose; I got acquainted with several traditional forms and tried different styles, something that proved crucial for my growth as an artist - still and ever a work in progress. WOL was my first poetic outlet, and it was a great place to begin exposing my work. The WOL community embraced me and helped me get over my fear of exposure. Here I was able to experiment, interact with other artists, hone my skill, get honest feedback and develop other skills, such as spoken word, which I've come to love. I am grateful to WOL for providing me with a safe space to express myself and bringing me together with other artists with whom we effortlessly formed a community. Throughout the years I have bonded, collaborated with and been inspired by those people who are still part of my life. I have WOL to thank for my poetic family and our strong fabric. I aim to develop a clear voice and a distinctive style of my own and keep improving my work. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy my work. Mae "Art is the imaginary solution to a problem that is unsolvable in real life."

Just Another Flock

There is no providence for sacrificial flocks Only cordially concealed polarities and the hopelessly hopeful efforts of shepherd dogs and the elders The ram will bleed his skull until the voices in his head are thwarted You'll see him shave his fur to keep his young warm in the middle of summer He'll look himself in the mirror Rings and ribs of time measuring his horns and his limits His only pride And he would break them in half and fill them with grapes and pomegranates, cheese and bread, Wine and pears And offer it to his clueless offspring Who'd want to make their own Out of their growing beasts and wombs, by their hooves and college degrees With their mediocre jobs and overstated cumber Out of their curly backs and muscular necks Out of the wolves' pamphlets for peace and petitions for providence for the sacrificial flocks There is no time to waste Gratitude shall have to wait Until the passionate raucous ram either dies of old age or becomes a scapegoat And the flock is down by THE One

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Mae Foreman

Wedding Wish (08/09/2019)

Well Enough (05/08/2019)

Everything- An Etheree (30/07/2019)

I Loved And Loved- A Triolet (24/07/2019)

Starchild (11/04/2019)

Secret Truth (29/03/2019)

Love Song (27/03/2019)

Resist (21/02/2019)

Keep it Close (19/02/2019)

Wrongdoer (17/02/2019)

More audio from Mae Foreman…

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Tui Dragonfly

Sat 22nd Feb 2020 22:05

LOVE your wry sense of humor and delicious way you 'stamp it!'... ie

(from Fleeting)...
-Lovely. Any last words?
-Yes. I'd like some more of it!

Meee three!!! And in fact... You just gave some to me!?!!


I was so excited at your gift of a new word, I immediately looked it up and... Aphrodite! Step aside ?

But the thing I love the most was upon reading the Urban Dictionary description.... I believe in Unicorns again!!

"... ... This word is bloody difficult to say! Only the skilled and boldest can use it very charmingly.
When someone uses this word a shooting star falls from the sky, a phoenix is reborn and a unicorn mates."

Gaze upon ye mighty works Mae, for you are the Unicorn fluffer who reignites ethereal birds!

You go girl!!!

Ka pai


Fri 13th Sep 2019 18:19

May - Hi and thanks for the comments on the Muses - where would we have been without them. Blessings. P. ?

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Chrystel Roberts

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 11:08

Hi Mae,

I appreciate your comment on ‘Three Empty Words'.

Thank YOU!

Devon Brock

Wed 24th Jul 2019 23:18

Wonderful Triolet, Mae. How about now we both try an Etheree.


Devon Brock

Tue 23rd Jul 2019 21:43

Here you go, Mae...try a Triolet!


Devon Brock

Tue 23rd Jul 2019 11:35

Ok, palindrome it is. After reading a few, I think this may take awhile. I'll find one for you also.


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Laura Taylor

Tue 23rd Jul 2019 10:02

Hi Mae

Thank you again.

Meryl Streep? Hahaaa ? I've never had that before ? Yes, that is me in my profile pic ?

Devon Brock

Sun 21st Jul 2019 22:30

Love the re-work of your sestina. Though I loved the original, your poetic sensibilities knew what needed to be done. Great work!


Devon Brock

Sat 20th Jul 2019 23:41

Sounds good, Mae. Since you pushed me toward a sonnet, and I pushed you toward a sestina. Perhaps you will present me form to undertake and we'll see what happens, because this is fun and challenging.


Devon Brock

Sat 20th Jul 2019 18:59

Mae, congrats on wrestling down the sestina with "Hades Ferry". Absolutlely marvelous.


Devon Brock

Wed 17th Jul 2019 22:11

Mae, thanks for the kind words on my profile. And thank you for encouraging me to try my hand at a sonnet. It is precisely these exchanges that help all of us in our craft and expression. Now, how about that sestina.


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Tommy Carroll

Sun 14th Jul 2019 01:04

I never wear sunglasses except outdoors

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Stu Buck

Sun 14th Jul 2019 00:11

hi mae
thanks a lot!
it means the world when people drop by and say such nice things
i dont comment much on here but ido read a lot of the work and i always enjoy your pieces,especially the dark nursery rhymes

Devon Brock

Sun 30th Jun 2019 23:22

Mae, thank you for pointing me toward Anne Sexton's work. Greatly appreciated.


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Jason Bayliss

Thu 27th Jun 2019 08:16

Not a problem love, if I think of anymore I'll colloquialisms I'll ping them over.?

J x(your friend Hason ??)

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Jason Bayliss

Wed 26th Jun 2019 19:55

I can see I've made a rod for my own back here???

Hason x

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 14th Jun 2019 10:57

Mae, you do make me smile. You're like an old fashioned tea kettle on the high boil.

When I was a young teacher, sharing a flat with a fellow teacher, I put our kettle on for teatime - and then forgot it - utterly. I think I was playing a favourite record, loudly, and probably dancing around with complete concentration. Spaced out!

It exploded! And the cloud that filled the apartment, plastered the ceiling and the windows, our books and our furniture, was just awful!

With such intense energy that you have, don't forget to turn down, or even off, sometimes. Don't explode.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 18th May 2019 16:20


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 17th May 2019 16:20

Mae, I was really interested in your desire/need for 'ice cream' for a whole year!

Right now, I love raisins, salted peanuts and chocolate pieces, all in one mouthful! It's the salt that binds it all together. I could just purr! I have to be 'sensible' or I'll put on weight! I gain weight FAST! (But not too sensible, in honesty.)

Thanks for responding. Your photos are lovely. Is that your original 'quote' at the end of your bio?

<Deleted User> (21818)

Wed 15th May 2019 03:11

Thank you for the lovely comment on 'A Second Heart'. Jane

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jennifer Malden

Sun 5th May 2019 10:40

Glad to hear so, I like yours too! Keep up the good work.


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jennifer Malden

Wed 1st May 2019 19:32

Hi Mae!
Thanks for the supporting comment about Hopeless!


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Tommy Carroll

Thu 25th Apr 2019 23:49

Blab away Mae; I'm all ears. ?

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 25th Apr 2019 14:43

haha i'm getting it - it was from France to Italy to Greece to Turkey. All seas are beautiful. Tommy

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 25th Apr 2019 13:00

I once sailed across the Adriatic from Greece to Turkey (or was it from Italy to Greece?)
at dawn - The sun inches above the Islands in the mist and a glass-like sea. It was the most transforming vision that I have...shh I do go on
ps I grind my own beans.
pps or was it the Aegean?

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AM Cash

Sun 10th Mar 2019 20:21

Keep going strong

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AM Cash

Sun 10th Mar 2019 20:11

Keep going strong

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Mae Foreman

Mon 4th Mar 2019 14:31

Hey D. Your messages always a colorful note on my profile! ?
You flatter me!

I always wear sunglasses
Forced by an urge to hide
I do not speak for the masses
Nor am I waiting for a car
I am in fact depicted at a cafe, eyes all wide
There it is, I can see it! Coming from afar
Oh, the anticipation and surely a bit of greed!
My poison, my fix, my much coveted trophy
My reward for always being such a good little kid
My precious, delicious hot morning cup of coffee!

Thanks for stopping by?


Mon 4th Mar 2019 11:16

Who is the poet in dark glasses
surely a Hollywood star
or a poet of the masses
waiting for a car
Mystery surrounds her
with a look that is afar
she may be Mae or maybe
that's just the way things are.

<Deleted User> (19913)

Sun 3rd Mar 2019 20:14

Hi Mae, thanks for stopping to say hi on my profile. I'm enjoying your work. Warm regards, Kate

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