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I Loved And Loved- A Triolet

I loved and loved with all my heart

Yet I was not loved back.

My full house of scarlet fell apart

I loved and loved with all my heart

Blind faith's a solitary art

'n I failed to see my Jack was black

I loved and loved with all my heart

Yet I was not loved back.       



◄ Starchild's Keeper- A Sonnet

Everything- An Etheree ►


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Mae Foreman

Mon 29th Jul 2019 12:34

Thank you dear Jason! I read quite a few triplets before I concocted this one! I found many formats, this one was the only one that "fit". It's rather a variation.
Thank you again my friend ?

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Jason Bayliss

Sun 28th Jul 2019 23:47

Love this form Mae might have to pick your brains on the format. Really liked the subject matter. You aced it my friend, like a diamond in the rough. Ok, I'm going to stop the card puns now before I get clubbed.

J. x

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Mae Foreman

Fri 26th Jul 2019 13:11

Hi Adam! Thanks for reading! Lovely rhyme you whipped up there! Of course you plan by choosing the words! Just make sure that you have something to say. Which I'm absolutely sure you do! Good luck, I'll stop by your profile and take a look!
Thank you?

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Adam Rabinowitz

Fri 26th Jul 2019 07:47

Hearts can be a painful suit
I'd rather be clubbed
buried by spades, suited
deep in the earth
where diamonds dwell.

See, your poem just made me write that like that. It is so fun to read others' work. Yours included.

Also, I am still thinking of this sestina you mentioned and have decided that my first attempt will end

It will probably be very bad and I don't even know if one should write a sestina by planning the words first. But I will let you know how it goes.

I posted a few more today so hope you have a chance to give a read or a listen (same for anyone else reading this comment).

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Mae Foreman

Wed 24th Jul 2019 22:51

Thanks Devon! I don't know much about card games but if it makes sense, I'm safe! I loved doing it, a nice little form! ?

Devon Brock

Wed 24th Jul 2019 22:25

Nailed it! Great how you are tying love in with a game of chance.


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