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Heart of Lead

Updated: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 07:15 pm

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I am Heart of Lead. A student of many, teacher of few. I am a storyteller and artist who builds on more imagination than experience. I am most inspired by Kipling's poem "If" and especially the quote, "Meet with Truimph and Disaster and treat those two imposters just the same." I have no idea where I'm going but you're welcome to join me on this journey.


Cold and stormy are her eyes, Light is her darting tongue. And I break when she cries, Forever old, forever young. She dances like a grey fairy, Void of colour, full of light. My heart becomes the grave to bury A silver knife hidden from sight. She flits and flies and steals A kiss from the lips of all, Prances away in heavy heels She is my tragic downfall.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Audio entries by Heart of Lead

Of Gods and Pharaohs (11/03/2019)

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Sat 20th Jul 2019 12:06

From poet's heads
to seeing eye
hard to believe
we so contrive
We write despite
a reason why
the poem part truth
and part a lie.


Thu 28th Mar 2019 23:17

Socks that we wash
leave us in doubt
when two go in
only one comes out.



Thu 28th Mar 2019 09:43

I would like to join you on your journey.
should I pack 2 or 3 pairs of socks?

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James Fiske

Tue 26th Mar 2019 23:53

Ok.... I'm a fan!! Wow...

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AM Cash

Sun 10th Mar 2019 20:39

Thank you for caring about the candles burning x


Mon 4th Mar 2019 11:22

Thank you for reading "Rumors of my Demise".
just a fun poem but with a grain of truth.
I am sorry I had to burden you with it.
Take a pill and get on with your life.


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Sat 2nd Mar 2019 23:31

Love your sample poem. If this is the intro, I want the whole book! ?

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Heart of Lead

Sat 2nd Mar 2019 21:17

Thank you so much, Mae! Yes it's an extraordinary poem and the rhyming pattern I tend to follow the most. I actually have that quote tattooed on my shoulder, I kid you not.

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Mae Foreman

Sat 2nd Mar 2019 20:39

Hey Heart of Lead! I saw your buo. It so happens that If is one of my most favorite poems especially that line a d that verse!
Love your sample?
Thank you

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Heart of Lead

Sat 2nd Mar 2019 19:27

Yes! Thank you very much. One of my first and favorite digital art pieces.


Sat 2nd Mar 2019 10:17

"it was a dark and stormy night"....Snoopy

thanks for reading my poem "New Book".
(coming soon, "Old Book.)

did you do the artwork in the photo?
if so...very good.

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Jason Bayliss

Thu 21st Feb 2019 23:07

And another one goes on my favourite list. I love your style, the use of words, the rhythm absolutely mesmerising. Thank you.


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