The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Freda Davis

Updated: Mon, 6 Jan 2025 09:41 pm


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Freda Davis began writing poetry when Elvis sang ‘Heartbreak Hotel’. First poem published in Liverpool Mag 'Phoenix 9' Summer 1963 alongside Roger McGough, David Selzer and Brian Patten. Her poems are inspired by nature and the seasons, mind and body, pagan and feminist themes. Her work is funny, rhythmical and has a musical quality good for reading aloud. Her feminist poetry was published in 'Spare Rib' magazine and the Women’s Health tome 'Our Bodies Ourselves' (Penguin 1989) and poems on life and the mind, in Calderdale Mind magazine in the 90’s. She has performed at Lancaster Uni 70-73, with Bradford Women Singers' in the early 90’s and with Puzzle Hall Poets in Sowerby Bridge for over two decades. She has produced two of her own collections: 'Sympathetic Magic' (1988) on inner and outer journeys, and ‘Well Woman Poems’ (2003) which brings together her observations on the struggle to stay well in an unbalanced world. Freda is also a line artist. Her magical moon calendar is widely sold and is echoed in her many, nature-based, spiritual poems. Freda is also a keen member of Puzzle Poets, a high quality, fun reading and performance space for poets.


Puppy Half past eight in the morning Nobody else was up. I would have been asleep myself But we had a brand new Pup The air was sharp and breezy, The ground wet from overnight rains The sky like a well used tea towel Dirty grey with a few red stains. We trotted downhill to the river, The dog leaving marks on the wall. Over the bridge and into the woods. This was our regular stroll. We surprised a gossip of squirrels The puppy was off like a hound. One fled on the path up the hillside like a leaf drifting over the ground. As we stood, yellow light burst around us. The sun shot up over the hill. The trunks of the trees became lemon and gold and a rainbow dropped down to the mill. All the beech leaves shone copper like money. We stared at the sight, and stood still. LOVE TURNS THE WHEEL Love turns the wheel, The knife turns in the wound. The stars turn in their courses. I turn tail. This whirling world. My turn is yet to come. I am the clown, who falls about the ring, And turns the children's tears to mockery. They ring upon my ears. I turn to stone. I spin, I am the top. You hold the whip. This is the twist that turns your mind to me. Love is the roundabout. We ride its hub. A wheel of fortune, spun with tears and time. METRO LAMENT On the Brighouse bus They make no fuss As it rolls and swings Round Ellands’ rings. It follows the Calder By Abbey and Mills through Mirfield and Raven Up Dewsbury Hill. It takes no heed Of Osset’s need But flies on to Wakefield However you plead. When all’s said and done It’s much more fun On the 251 Through Batley, Birstall, Birkenshaw, Brierly, Bradford. Well it’s neck and neck Through Cleck and Heck On the Sheffield Express That I caught on spec. Not counting the cost. But the driver got lost For an hour and a half On a half hour run And we all felt a wreck When that trip was done. When all’s said and done It’s much more fun On the 251 Through Batley, Birstall, Birkenshaw, Brierly, Bradford. Through Wakefield Westgate The Intercity. High speed Express mate. So what a pity That mishaps at Leeds Reduce these speeds And trains are delayed Till nerves are frayed And the Halifax train Is late again. When all’s said and done It’s much more fun On the 251 Through Batley, Birstall, Birkenshaw, Brierly, Bradford.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Freda Davis

The Corn Child (06/01/2025)

Pursue Transparency (19/12/2024)

The Affair (19/12/2024)

Fertile (19/12/2023)

Pour out more wine (08/05/2022)

Sunday Sky (08/07/2020)

Mean Time (10/09/2017)

Moondark (09/09/2017)

untitled (01/03/2017)

fellow travellers (06/08/2016)

Read more entries by Freda Davis…

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Sowerby Bridge » (8:00pm)


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Tommy Carroll

Wed 16th Jan 2019 18:41

Freda Davis

Thu 22nd Oct 2009 19:27

Tommy, the struggle comes over, but you make sense. The layers of thought commenting on thought are clear because of the brackets. A 'conscious' senility is not the same as 'deliberate' .

You have it in one Freda


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 30th Jun 2018 17:03

Freda, I was thinking of you only yesterday! Wonderful to see you on line again. TBH, I allowed myself a sad little thought, hoping all is well with you. I remember that poetry weekend together so clearly. And all your excellent WOL comments on line.

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Vicki Ayers

Tue 29th Dec 2015 00:02

Thank you Freda for your comments on my profile - I think we have a similar style - I've enjoyed reading your work here - I like that you write about 'real' & otherwise thought of 'mundane' things - I think poems can be found in anything - I have one about head lice!! X

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Greg Freeman

Sun 11th Aug 2013 08:36

Hi Freda, glad you saw the review! I think the Puzzle Hall Inn is a smashing venue. My drastic attack of hay fever even cleared up during the evening, so you can't ssy fairer than that. Hope to see you at Marsden in October. After all, it's only just over the next hill, or two!

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Shirley Smothers

Fri 9th Aug 2013 17:16

Hello Freda,

Thank you for your comments on my poem "I Have the Right to Write." I had fun writing this and I have gotten a few funny comments on this poem.


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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Wed 17th Jul 2013 11:12

Freda, I don't recall 'My Dragon Husband' from before, but that would be my loss. It is splendid. Please post it on the blog again for new others to enjoy. I have great difficulty in writing about my husband, in fact, almost an impossibility. It is very strange. I've often thought about this inability - or reluctance - or fear.

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Wez Jefferies

Sun 31st Mar 2013 23:54

Hi Freda,

Thanks for your comment on my poem, I think your comments on my style were pretty much bang on :)


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Thu 14th Feb 2013 13:40

Thank you Freda for your comment on Rose Maloney.

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Neil Fawcett

Fri 9th Nov 2012 16:21

Thank you Freda for taking the time to give this poem a careful read. The comments you make will certainly help me as I wade into the next draft of this one. Many thanks, Neil.

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Mick Waring

Fri 2nd Nov 2012 08:18

Hello Freda .. pleased you enjoyed the 'conversation' .. true story about us playing on the 'Edale Folk Train' and a girl from the USA who came to video the day .. cheers.

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 5th Jul 2012 15:12

your wish is my command Freda- re-edit.

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Ann Foxglove

Thu 5th Apr 2012 18:57

Thanks for kind comments on my Nova Scotia song Freda - and the advice too. (Some of which I've taken) I might sort it out more when I'm thinking of performing it. xx

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winston plowes

Wed 21st Mar 2012 21:42

Hi Freda, Posser = Dolly :-)

<Deleted User> (10185)

Wed 21st Mar 2012 16:00

A posher was a long wooden handled instalment that had a small three legged type stool attached to the bottom and a wooden cross bar at the top. You would plunge the posher into the tub of water and turn at the same time, akin to the turning action of the early twin tub washing machines. There were different type on the bottom of the pole visit this site.

<Deleted User> (10123)

Sun 18th Mar 2012 09:56

Hi Freda, I haven't been around here long but have just dropped a comment on your Railway Sidings - had to dodge - Other commenters are entitled to their opinion, interpetation. Tenses were mentioned, I'm pleased to say that issue was corrected by Yvonne. The use of 'iambic' metre is very much a British thing. Only the 'stressed' beats count, syllables can outnumber the grains of sand on the beach. You are a poet. Leave Railway Sidings, alone. Thank you, (with a space - tee-hee hee) Nick. ps. sorry it's so long - even longer now!

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Yvonne Brunton

Sat 17th Mar 2012 21:57

In Re Liverpool Sidings
Hi I've left a comment on the poetry review site for you. PS I liked the poem and wouldn't change a thing XX

steve mellor

Sun 26th Feb 2012 19:37

Hello Freda
What's a feminine ending? a la Longfellow

A few weeks ago I did a parody of Hiawatha's Wooing, telling of my wooing of my wife Annie. I tried to maintain a regular reference to Hiawatha as I was writing, but whether I achieved feminine endings I don't know

I removed my comments from your Liverpool poem. I thought John's comments were peurile, and may well distract from what you were trying to achive.

All being well, I'll see you at Sowerby. I don't think I'll be able to do my Hiawatha parody (luckily for you) as the first part is well in excess of 5 mins long, and part 2 is somewhere between 15 and 20 minutes. If I put it in very small print, do you think Sean will let me read 1 A4 poem?

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Edwin Stockdale

Sun 26th Feb 2012 18:40

Thank you for your kind comments about my Bronte poem. I'm glad you liked it.

steve mellor

Sat 25th Feb 2012 15:12

I've had a look at your Liverpool poem. Let me know if you think it of any interest

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Tom Harding

Tue 21st Feb 2012 22:48

Hi Freda,

Thanks for taking the time to provide me with the advice on my new york honeymoon poem, it was much appreciated. i find the editing of my poems the hardest bit and I often lose sight of 'frisking' my work for unncessary words and phrases. it's great to have someone take the time to work through as you did.

<Deleted User> (9186)

Tue 5th Apr 2011 22:56

Hi Freda - This is me keeping in touch as you mentioned when I left on saturday. Unity and Wimple were pleased to see me and the cosmos, dahlia and nicotinia seedling had survived in my absence. Hope you're well. David

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kath hewitt

Tue 25th Jan 2011 21:32

Hi Freda,

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my 'childhood' poem. Much appreciated :-)

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winston plowes

Mon 6th Dec 2010 13:40

There is a new discussion topic on ghazals which may interest you, I remember you asking for a template ages ago, well it's finally here! :-) Win

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 3rd Dec 2010 08:54

Good morning Freda. Just to let you know that the calenders came safe and sound and they are lovely! Have you got lots of snow where you are? I am getting a bit fed up with it! x

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 30th Nov 2010 20:00

I think you are a free and wondering spirit with fire in your belly and hot coals in your brain just waiting to be fanned into flame again. All you need now is a sleek white mare, snorting and champing at your grip on the reins, to take on the whole world once more. Who says only men have to be knights on white horses! Yes, I'm an idiot, but something about you really inspires me.

BTW, tell me about your MOON calendars. 'Cynthia' is the 'Goddess of the Moon'; so I'm interested.

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 28th Nov 2010 19:00

Hi Freda-your time taken over reading'Honour or illusion'is much appreciated-as to the poem itself,I would think fair for it to be down to any interpretation as with many others? thank you very much-Stefan.

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 28th Nov 2010 07:37

Hi Freda - I have sold a few of my paintings in the past but now I stick to ceramics. These are usually based on the female form. I'm a member of the Cornwall Glass and Cerasmics Group and some of my stuff is on their website under my real name. But I am just an amateur. Looking forward to getting the calendars - two will make lovely presents for a couple of friends who very much admired last years. Thanks for recent nice comments too! xx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 27th Nov 2010 20:53

Hi Freda-I,m very thankful for your reading and commenting on 'Spectrum' I,m a fan of Hardy too,my favourite short poem by him is'A thunderstorm in town' as for the comedians(Badiel and Skinner)very funny! thank you-Stefan.

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Sat 27th Nov 2010 12:04

Thanks Freda, x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 24th Nov 2010 10:25

Thanks Freda for commenting on-'Shes back'best regards Stef.

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