The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Fri, 4 Mar 2016 06:12 pm

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I'm a pixie who writes from the heart. I love words. I have always written it's not something I think about more something I can't live without!! I'm new to sharing my poetry but have a Facebook page - Life through the eyes of a poet - feel free to take a gander! Always happy for feedback & welcome advice from those who have it to offer x You can find me on Soundcloud if you fancy a listen!


Waiting to Happen Who is she? This being This life In and out of existence with no real Connection A superficial exterior needed to shield A crumbling, shattered spirit, hidden Underneath There are no pieces No fragments to paste together Nothing inside but a void so deep it might never be filled Be warned This is a cruel and dangerous world Where nothing is ever as it seems I use words as weapons and then To love Other people's confusion will consume you If you let it When someone steals your soul It is hard to find your way back Retreat Hide Gaze out with a longing upon a fragile memory Don't let the demons of insecurity Feast on your dreams Journey inwards with permission to see Daylight Rise again From the ashes of reality on whimsical wings A masterpiece ...... Just waiting to happen A Kiss Farewell With No Regret As the minutes tick by Languidly Seconds taking hours To reach their goal I ask myself Is he here?! Standing alone in a sea full of faces Seeking People turning from my Penetrating gaze And I ask myself Is he here?! Eyes closing, inwardly searching Breathing Thwarting the orgy of noise Head against the wall And I tell myself He is here! The countdown begins Ten, nine, eight Eyes open Seven, six, five Mind uncloaked Four, three, two Red wine smile plastered on One .... Go! A quick prayer No! I do not care He is not here Raising glasses, toasting in The New Year With new hopes and dreams Untrodden - unbroken I ask myself Am I here? The universe opens its arms Embracing Asking for wishes Promising fulfilment, And I ask myself Am I here? The old year is gone - mine to Forget I kiss it farewell With no regret And I tell myself I am here! And here And here Forever Here Strange Encounter Just minding my own business Standing in a line A basket full of shopping In a headspace that was mine When suddenly a voice piped up 'What you cooking love?!' And being kind - I turned around And stood gazing from above Upon a short & greasy man Who's eyes were firmly fixed To the swelling of my bosom He really was transfixed! I cleared my throat and said 'hello' In an attempt to raise That shiny head with thinning hair From it's penetrating gaze 'Well I'm cooking chicken' I said without a beat 'That's a shame' came his reply 'coz I don't really eat meat' 'This is for my family' My response was firm & clear 'So you're not inviting me then?' He said - without raising an ear 'Well no not really' I replied Turning my back again And then tap tap upon my arm Hard enough to cause some pain And so being well bought up I turned again to face This strange companion in my wait To get out of this place 'I think you're very pretty' He said - not raising up his head 'Ummm Thank you' I returned Fiddling with my bread 'So you know what really bugs me?' He said with quite some venom 'This thing that girls have got Wearing double denim...' 'And all of these tattoos they have Do they really think That men find it attractive?' Well - I didn't stop to think I slowly turned my back again And quietly pulled down a sleeve And removed my arms one by one Not wishing to deceive And revealed in all its glory The ink across my back And glanced across my shoulder To watch his fast backtrack I wear my self expression Emblazoned on my skin I am inked & I am proud I'm not going to keep it hidden So my advice is this my friends If a date is what you seek Talk to my face - and don't be rash And don't call me a freak!! Excess Baggage Everyone has baggage A suitcase from the past It's how we choose to deal with it That decides if it will last Me - I have a steamer trunk Bursting at the seams Full of bits & pieces Broken hearts & shattered dreams Stuffed full of self objection Self criticism & blame Cloaked in dust & cobwebs You can barely see my name But now I shall unpack it From the attic of my mind Pull it out into the light From the place it's been consigned The lock is old and rusted Battered from the sea From the ashes of emotions But I have a brand new key And so I delve into its depths Retrieving from the embers Fragments of my past - that It hurts me to remember Old books, cassettes & letters Hankies soaked with tears The crumbs of old injustice The mammoth bones of fear I lay them out around me And soak up all the pain Seeing them with new eyes Before I shut the lid again Lurking in the darkness Hidden underneath the rope That I put there once to end it Is a polished gem of hope I grab it with both hands Clasp it tight against my breast This tiny piece of energy Undetected in the chest I shall put it in my pocket And stroke it when I'm down When my world closes in on me It will soothe away my frown Because now I own my baggage It's no longer in the past I have hope, self love & guidance And this is set to last Be un afraid my friends Of those suitcases of old That weigh you down, drag you along Sheathed in grime & mould Unpack them & rejoice my friends Find the hope submerged inside And love yourselves, like others do And do it - with a sense of pride A Guide for Potential Lovers! I am single - again And a girl who has needs So boys I beg you To follow my lead I have a mouth That likes to be kissed Softy and gently It's not to be missed Don't stick your tongue in Like a pneumatic drill Or suck on my face Like a puppy on pills My lips have nerves That give me pleasure & pain They like to be savoured Not tugged on in vain And my breasts ... Please don't pummel It doesn't do much They react much better To a sweeter touch Nor do my nipples Respond to twisting I am not a radio This will not make me sing! A gentle squeeze Or a kiss or a tickle Will get you much further I'm not being fickle And boys.... I beg you Now this is the worst .... My vagina won't bite you (Forgive my outburst!) You might like to touch it Caress it or play I'm happy to guide you If you lose your way It's not just a place For your dick to settle Treat it with love and You'll open my petal Now, I'm not hard to please But it's time this was said And these aren't just my needs To keep me in bed For us single lasses Who you want to impress We don't care about income Or the way that you dress We want some attention That shows that you care There is no manual Of this I'm aware We're each of us different But we'll tell you just ask We'll show you the way And keep you on task It's about mutual pleasure Believe me it works And if you follow this guide There'll be more perks So boys please remember If you promise me bliss Be strong - be gentle And start with a kiss!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Pixievic

Baffled (08/05/2016)

Sea Dreams (03/05/2016)

Ghost Dancer (06/04/2016)

Fusion (23/03/2016)

Synaesthesia (21/03/2016)

Riversong (15/03/2016)

En Pointe (04/03/2016)

Lovelonging (01/03/2016)

Guilty Pleasure .... (22/02/2016)

The Fey Queen (21/02/2016)

Read more entries by Pixievic…

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 9th Oct 2021 18:37

Where did it end?

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Corr Lens

Fri 10th Jun 2016 10:56

@vickiayers its me! and al of us!

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Tue 10th May 2016 10:21

Thanks for liking Snail intelligence Vicki. A bit of nonsense but as long as it makes you think, that's okay !.

Ray x


Wed 24th Feb 2016 09:38

Hi Vicki, thanks for commenting on Broken Record - glad you liked it. It did come as kind of a chant, something to be heard live, but I unfortunately am not too good at doing the live stuff. I might try & work out how to put a recording on here. Anyway, thanks x

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David Cooke

Sun 14th Feb 2016 06:02

Hi Vicki Glad you liked my warrior!


Sun 31st Jan 2016 11:11

Hi Vicki, thanks for commenting on Ad Infinitum - sorry you 'get it' - way too common an experience I'm guessing, but a little violent poetic revenge is always fun ;)

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Thu 28th Jan 2016 17:48

Cheers for reading and commenting on 'Shelved', much appreciated.
M :)

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Jim Trott

Tue 26th Jan 2016 17:53

Hi Vicki

Thanks for your comments on "Martha Street". Glad you enjoyed it.

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Tommy Carroll

Mon 25th Jan 2016 19:58

Just looking for my notes teach'

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Mon 18th Jan 2016 15:56

love your poetry style pixie. I hear a bit of me in some places with the way you do the incident poems and events. Love it. Also found your facebook page. I will read more. Love the new year poem and the man in supermarket.

<Deleted User> (13947)

Mon 18th Jan 2016 03:39

Vicki, thanks for your comment on Warrior. Much appreciated xx

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Robert Mann

Fri 15th Jan 2016 20:28

Vicki - I don't think the chat system is working properly as I did reply: Dancing rapping ranters - that's some imagination! More M.C. Hammer style than Morris dancers I think.

Preeti Sinha

Thu 14th Jan 2016 18:02

Hi Vic, loved Nice Try! Some men! Thanks for reading and commenting on What :)))


Tue 12th Jan 2016 01:30

Hi Vicki, thanks for your very kind comment on 'Shut Up...' Much appreciated x

J Graham

Wed 6th Jan 2016 02:26

Excess baggage - my excess baggage is in a locked closet complete with unidentified boxes on shelves.
Interesting how we are parallel in thoughts.

J Graham

Wed 6th Jan 2016 02:19

I started reading strange encounter, and just like that I was hooked in to the encounter :)

J Graham

Wed 6th Jan 2016 02:14

wow!! really felt your poem "waiting to happen".
You have a way with words, making them come alive!

<Deleted User> (13947)

Tue 5th Jan 2016 23:31

Welcome to WOL. :) I am thrilled you are loving my words. I look forward to spending some time diving into yours xx

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 3rd Jan 2016 18:03

But now I shall unpack it
From the attic of my mind
Pull it out into the light
From the place it's been consigned


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Tommy Carroll

Wed 30th Dec 2015 10:56

Chutzpah! Lol I'm sure we'll get on. Tommy

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 30th Dec 2015 10:50

thanks for reading me Vicki - I've been enjoying your work btw - I have plenty more on here if you care to take a look.

I noticed your uploaded photos - you might like to see mine: - I like messing around combining words and images although I've been a little lost for words these past few weeks -

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Emer Ni Chorra

Wed 30th Dec 2015 08:42

Thank you for your kind words Vicki. Much love, Emer.

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 29th Dec 2015 23:31

Thanks Vicki, It helps to know that. :-) Tommy

Preeti Sinha

Tue 29th Dec 2015 04:44

Thanks for reading my poem :) And leaving a comment

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Vicki Ayers

Mon 28th Dec 2015 23:57

Thank you Freda I'm pleased you enjoyed it - it's definitely written from experience, as most of my poems are, but I think most people can identify with baggage good or bad! x

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Freda Davis

Sun 27th Dec 2015 20:16

Hi Vicky,

I specially like your Excess Baggage. You show us how to deal with our own issues, but you are also cleverly telling the story of Pandora's box, with hope hidden underneath all the woes. Nice one.

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Vicki Ayers

Sun 27th Dec 2015 18:42

Thank you for your lovely comments Patricio - I think like most of us I write it how I see it - & it's often a way to say the things I struggle to say in person!! I hope you're enjoying the festive season & that the new year brings you everything you can hope for x

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Patricio LG

Sun 27th Dec 2015 11:38

You have a very honest way in your poetry, lovely, thoughtful and refreshing, a strange encounter seems pleasing that it was a brief encounter too, although in the mans defence, I don't think he is on his own, I think most men notice charms first :-), bless you, have a merry Christmas.. What's left, I hope you have a fun filled new year too.

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