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a trickle 
from mountain rain 
it starts ......


a quiver of droplets
converging together
coursing through my body 
consuming my thoughts
babbling down my contours
into my valleys
soaking my senses 
with lust
growing in need
shuddering across rocks
rapidly gaining in momentum
in a frenzy of whitewater 
reaching the drop
at the very brink
with waves of pleasure 
before plunging 
headlong over the edge
in a waterfall of longing
falling into the abyss
of fantasy

        the river
                     my song

(C) Pixievic







◄ En Pointe

Synaesthesia ►


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Vicki Ayers

Sat 26th Mar 2016 16:13

Haha no I like a bit of whitewater Rob ;)) xx

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Robert Mann

Wed 23rd Mar 2016 12:07

Vicki - I feel I should get my paddle out and explore your rapids! Hope your not afraid of whitewater.

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Vicki Ayers

Sun 20th Mar 2016 14:44

Thank you MC it is undoubtably where it starts (and being currently single ends for me!!) I'm glad you enjoyed it!

John - ooooo er indeed!! Thanks xxx

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John Coopey

Wed 16th Mar 2016 17:34

Ooo er, Missus!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 16th Mar 2016 16:47

Heady stuff. But that's where it begins and ends, after all
- in the head.
A pressure-cooker portrayal of female I see it.

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Vicki Ayers

Wed 16th Mar 2016 09:08

Haha thank you Mr C - is that a good or a bad thing?!! ;)) xx

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Tommy Carroll

Wed 16th Mar 2016 00:58

Movement seems to vie with sexual allusion for prominence here Vic, but that would be stating the obvious - so I did. :-)

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