The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

fantasy (Remove filter)

Follow your fate

Follow your fate like it's a mystical path of promising wit; follow your dreams like they're a reality in a captivating fantasy.

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Neither could it express, nor could my heart contain 

Now, if I dare to speak, how do I start ?

In the daylight, my heart goes insane 

Please tell me, how do I reveal the mystery of my heart .



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The Beast Beneath The Beck [song version]

The Beast Beneath The Beck


The beck at Westgate End is full of reeds,

its water is a muddy shade of brown,

confused ducks die within anaemic weeds

as sunken shopping trolleys pull them down.

Sometimes you hear a cold slithering splash,

as though some ancient creature has slid in

to feast upon the centuries of trash.

Who knows what evils are contained within?



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The Grand: Act 1: The Curse of Skye

***WARNING*** the following content contains themes of self-harm and may be sensitive to some audiences. The content below is not deemed suitable for children.


***the content below is an excerpt and lacks context. Read at your own discretion***

V.01 "raw from author" edit. 

The scene was a collapse of the mind. It was no fit of rage, or some unfounded self-torture; the boy had ...

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loveromantic distance love dan hooksfamily poemFantasyfictionself harmromanceLove Art Sketching Doodling Romancechir jam speakeay wordsmiths poetry expression artdan hooks poet poetry alienpoetHaiku World Cupfantasy poemsscience fiction

The Blatherwight

Hyyre n proave

pon sheed unjoad

in hoye ‘n hoyle-howls

befuddled word, o’blite absurd

he gurgled remott’d vowels


Lesp he ‘n shyy

for ryle deride

aggrinn aggurny byy

rillig speech, from creatured-eeb

flowed his otherworldly vibe


So jue a norn

to borrishly

this being spoke in tongue

but wopeth no apology

for such unbridled shrung


It siff ! ...

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nonsensefearfantasyhorrorscarywordswordplaylight verse

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