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Listening to Heart ❤ !!

Living a life of fantasy is such fun.

Once you give your life control to your heart,

you begin to enjoy its every part.

At times listening to heart gives memories,

and you can spend your life with its stories.


I lived my 10th grade in the fantasy world of reality

when I gave my life control to my feelings impatiently.

Something I'll never regret,

not even in the days of fret.


I was afraid to allow my heart's choice,

to prevent the regrets of future.

But this time it seems,

I won't be afraid of rumours.

Because it was a sweet dream,

after days of loneliness.

It was a miracle,

after days of sadness.

I will not regret those late-night chats,

and for the feelings which I may never get.


At times listening to heart be chaotic outside,

but inside it's calm.

At times it may be like a nightmare,

but always for charm.

At times it can even be hard,

but always for future warmth.


It was different since it was my first time,

or maybe he was different who made it right.

It can even be my mind,

Nevertheless, I loved the dream of my LIFE.


It's time for me to live the reality of life,

and leave the fantasy behind.

It's time to give back control to the brain,

after all, no pain means no gain.

Still, I am not done;

since living a life of fantasy is such a Fun.    

                                {{Advaita Singh!} } 

{scribbling world: Listening to Heart ❤ !! {POEM} (}


advaita singhballetfantasyfeelingslivingloveloverspoempoetpoetry

I thought, You had a crush! ►


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