roped together
on a cliff wall
keep going for there's doom should we stall
momentum counts
never look down
you look enchanting in your wedding gown
hope for no rain
dry grips better
black granite's awkward when its wetter
below is what
we left behind
up there who knows what we'll find?
the air is rare
birds swoop and cry
into ragged feathered nests we pry
windy up here
scaling the heights
linked together like those passionate nights
in shrouds of mist
climbing so high
we need fear no more the hue and cry
twilight darkens
our wedding bands
there seem to be no fingers on your hands
grey dusk's above
we're nearly there
blood seeps red from your billowing hair
on the summit
I'll bury you
for what tomb ever had a better view?
Wed 6th Oct 2021 15:30
Very touching. It is the way of lasting love...