The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 48 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Rachel McGladdery

Updated: Tue, 2 Nov 2010 11:00 am

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I was suddenly hit by a violent poetry bug sometime in 2009. I had written since the age of 3 though that was mainly crayon on woodchip and resulted in my chubby little wrists being slapped. Undeterred, I am still writing today though it sometimes feel more like projectile vomiting. In a dormant phase at the moment, mainly because I attempted a nanowrimo novel last november and my hands still hurt. First tried open mic in summer 09,since then I have travelled as far as Kendal (yes, really, THAT far!) to do more open-mic. I have had 3 'proper' guest slots so far and am now published at The Pygmy Giant and also in Preston is my Paris and Word Soup Year One. Currently writing curriculum based illustrated poems and performing them in pre-school settings, which is lots of fun and the audiences are great! :) Available for commissions,readings and performances for both children and grown-ups. STOP PRESS! On Saturday 6th November I will be slamming in front of Carol Ann Duffy at the John Lennon Poet 2010 final along with some other W.O.L.ites (whom I shall not name unless they name themselves, but they know who they are!) If you're in the area (L.I.P.A.) come and cheers us on, tickets are a fiver but I have 3 (at present) freebies still!


The Balloon Eh no, the balloon's popped. I thought it would. I could tell. it felt too full,it was too shiny for me and too saturated with colour. I looked though, for tiny pinprick holes. I put my face against the rubber and stopped my breath to feel any tiny leaks. In checking it so very thoroughly I must have inadvertantly scratched it with my scrabbling fingers, must have held it too tight to my chest, lest it blow away. Must have worn it thin with the constant caressing. It's gone. popped. I cry so full of feeling the sound comes out fully three minutes after the inbreath. This hurts. This hurts. This hurts. Spring cleaning Spring comes, blue and yellow and fierce with enthusiasm Light forces fingers into where we'd tried to cage. Prying, ruthless, tearing away the nailed up timbers. The timber's weren't sound, were they? Or the nail's not put in straight. And the light floods in. Rudely, the room's exposed with it's bare store shelves and dust, like mice, lined up on every surface. The curtain's come down, I'm yanking on them, swinging, "More light!" We don't need velvet now. We don't deserve it. No point in ornamenting the tawdry. I lie panting , dust prickles on sweat soaked skin. I look around at the pit we've locked ourselves in all winter and see: How spring can be like an autumn wind, that strips away the leaves from a nest no longer worth hiding. Dad Rolling in one night on sea legs made entirely from White Lightning, He bowled up at mine and fell in through the door. I helped him up and sat him down and once propped upon a chair with a cup of tea he told me he had AIDS. "Oh Dad" I said and went to hug him. He held his hand out like a nicotine stained starfish. " you don't have to bleach the cup" I held him sadly as he sobbed into my shoulder, "Don't treat me like a leopard"

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 19th Aug 2014 22:24

Obviously Rachel ;) thank you for your comment re ''Beelzebub'' I hope you are keeping well. :)

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Elaine Booth

Fri 8th Apr 2011 20:19

Rachel, thanks for commenting on "Black-Edged". I hadn't come across your name before so I now look forward to reading your poems. X


Fri 8th Apr 2011 15:29

Hi Rachel - thanks for commenting on Peepholes - much appreciated x

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Rachel Bond

Thu 7th Apr 2011 19:22

arr ey sure john would have rolled his eyes at the thought of another looney claiming knowledge of his heart. i havent read your lennon poem, but would like to now...all news is publicity! im sure its considered, real and warm like the other work of yours that i love xx

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Dave Bradley

Thu 7th Apr 2011 17:55

Dignified response that, Rachel, to a rather odd comment

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Thu 7th Apr 2011 13:39

I'm gobsmacked by that interchange. Could I just vouch for the fact that Rachel was the most worthy of winners. The poem was performed beautifully and connected John, the MAN, with the rest of humanity - a great character but imperfect, like the rest of us. It was a gentle piece though and I don't think you could possibly judge it off paper.
If you want something that made people feel more for him, perhaps you should have read mine Andrew. Here's the link. You'll be disappointed to hear that I didn't getplaced.

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Rachel McGladdery

Thu 7th Apr 2011 06:31

Hi Andrew, Thanks for the candour. I'm sorry you feel John would be disappointed, though I don't quite understand how you'd ascertain that, with all due respect. I responded to the competition with my own honest interpretation, which was memory-based and limited as I was young when he died. Everyone who entered presumably came at it from their own perspective, I'd be interested to read yours, why not make a profile on here and post it up as a blog? As for the lack of impact of my poem on you personally, I feel poetry is a very subjective thing and also, seeing the words flat on paper is very different to seeing it performed (it was a performance competition). Thanks again for your comment.

<Deleted User> (9281)

Thu 7th Apr 2011 00:14

With all do respect: Congrates on your win on the Lennon contest! It's ironic how they invited the world, but only rewarded the U.K.! I read your poem, and related it to anyone! Didn't feel John's heart, only your memory of a harbor of! I entered, but being from the U.S., probably saw a trash can and not consideration! I think John would have been very disappointed! Not that I should have won, but at least considered! Thank You for making others, feel nothing for him!

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John Coopey

Wed 30th Mar 2011 00:42

Glad you liked Ken Dodd....
I think this site needs more culture like this.

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Dave Bradley

Tue 8th Feb 2011 00:07

Good to hear from you, Rachel, and looking forward to your return to action.

Best wishes


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Sat 5th Feb 2011 19:16

FB is Facebook - as if you didn't know....
You should try to make it to the Tudor again. Failing that I may venture up to Preston again - though I'd have to make sure I got there early! Hope you are ok. Izz xx

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John Aikman

Sat 5th Feb 2011 16:18

What's FB? and yes, get back soon. Hope your psyche spring clean produces more fab poetry.



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Mon 31st Jan 2011 13:37

Yes - get yourself off FB and back on here!

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Dave Bradley

Mon 31st Jan 2011 11:59

Hi Rachel

Hope all is well - are you taking some time off the site? We could do with some quality.

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David Cooke

Fri 10th Dec 2010 09:39

Right, I'll get on the site and check it out. Thanks for liking the Wolf Man on my FB wall.

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David Cooke

Thu 9th Dec 2010 21:01

Hi Rachel Just remembered that thanks to your good offices I'm 'poem of the month'. Thanks for that and for your kind introduction. By the way still haven't seen your prize winning poem yet.

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philip burton

Sun 28th Nov 2010 22:19

A brilliant win, Rachel.
Hey, you were very kind to old fellah me at The Atrium.
Where can I access the two poems you performed?

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Dave Carr

Tue 9th Nov 2010 17:11

Congratulations on the Lennon slam win. I enjoyed your set at Pumpkin Soup in Preston. Very good.

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David Cooke

Tue 9th Nov 2010 12:56

Hi Rachel Well done on winning the Lennon competition.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 8th Nov 2010 16:55

Imagine you winning! Were all the guys jealous? They all came nowhere, man. Ok, I'll stop now ...

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Dave Bradley

Sun 7th Nov 2010 21:12

Well done Rachel. Very much looking forward to reading or hearing the winning poems

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winston plowes

Sun 7th Nov 2010 10:49

Congratulations! Win x

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 7th Nov 2010 09:55

So the drinks are on you Rachel! Well done - couldn't happen to a nicer poet! What poem did you do? And, more importantly, have you got a hangover this morning! Much love Anniepooxxxxxxxx

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Sun 7th Nov 2010 00:42

Félicitations, Rachel !!!!!
Quel honneur...

You are on a roll : )

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sat 6th Nov 2010 09:13

Wishing you an absolutely marvellous SLAM tonight! Have fun -- you'll wow Ms Duffy for sure! Sorry not to be there to support you in person but I'll be sending my thoughts/vibes/fluences your way! Moxy xxx

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 4th Nov 2010 10:38

wow Rach! you knew Joan Rutherford-thought I spotted you in Ms Marples-were you cast as the loose woman? lol-keep scrubbing! Grandad Wildey-xx ps(later on)ah it was Magaret Rutherford I was 'tinkin of-DOH!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 3rd Nov 2010 16:01

oi! Gladderbags! wot yew doin lookin all flippin glam n gorjuss! wit-woo-Mr jealous-xx

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Steve Regan

Wed 3rd Nov 2010 10:25

Hi Rachel. I used to have a Lennon-flavoured poem on here but I took it off. I'm increasingly disinclined to put my poems on this site. I got two poems for the comp. I'm guessing you have too. I was at the Liver Bards last night in Liverpool with Liam Brayd, anotehr of the finalists. It's an unusual comp, I think. Good luck. We should have a few drinks together on Saturday. Isobel is in it too. Pip pip!

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Wed 3rd Nov 2010 06:51

My signature colour of course - not sure if you'd call it pillar box or cherry - not sure if they will last till Saturday either - she couldn't fit me in any later. Am finding life intolerable with long nails - can't even unzip my flies... think I'll be filing them down before they ever drop off.

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winston plowes

Wed 3rd Nov 2010 01:18

Hey, good to hear you read your POM in features. Great. Good luck in L'pool. Win x

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