The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Summer of Love

  a flashback

sun splattering us in technicolour,

stained with light

cheekbones aching,

currents thrumming

migraine hue at the edges

hearts beat faster

minds and eyes pinpoint

to infinite acuity

heads swell with

chests strain from

and laugh

Steps slapping


heads back and



◄ Snow at Solstice

Gypsy Nanna King ►


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Dave Bradley

Tue 29th Mar 2011 15:57

Enjoyed this. It felt like there could be more to come, but maybe that's just the effect of the poem - that expanding 'more, more, more' feeling one can get with summer

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Steve Regan

Tue 29th Mar 2011 15:22

'thrumming' and 'slapping' are great words to put in the same poem. This poem recalls the sensations of pleasure and mixes them with those of pain and discomfort - and that really is (just about) the secret of life, at least for Roman Catholics. So well done. Genius.

The Protstants will be jealous. They often are.

The atheists will be bitter and twisted. They almost always are - especially on this site!

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Tue 29th Mar 2011 13:34

Great to see you back posting Rachel! I remember those summers not at all...

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melanie coady

Tue 29th Mar 2011 13:19

aw lovely hun xx

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