The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.



 When we’ve spent the night separately, each seething in our cold sheets

and when this morning has been vitriol splashed and unthinkables thought

when a friend or two has been informed

though not the kids yet,

is it so damned hard to save the change?

The finality, blunt and electronic of:

 your relationship will be cancelled when you press SAVE.

◄ Death Throes

Heartbreaker ►


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Greg Freeman

Fri 22nd Oct 2010 09:33

I agree with Isobel, Rachel, and with you. The cold categorising of social media makes everything too final, too public, too soon. If you're thinking about Facebook, don't go there yet ... I also echo Dave's warm, concerned comment elsewhere. This is a clear-headed, powerful poem, though it seems almost irrelevant to say so

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Fri 22nd Oct 2010 09:20

The use of electronic imagery is a great way of expressing that feeling Rachel - I often find parallels between what I do with a keyboard and what I do with emotions. I like the irony in the press save button equating to the opposite.
If it's that hard to press save perhaps you shouldn't be pressing it and looking to communicate instead?
Shoot me down if I'm wrong. It's just such a momentous step to take where there are any doubts.

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