The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 11 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

Biting The Bullet



Bleached out happy snaps

in seventies colours

kids in swimsuits a truer red

scanned, seen

heartstrings tugged

another cigarette

an empty glass

thin film of wine grains stuck

picked up,

swished fruitlessly

put down again.

Fingers tremulously tap

delete, tap, delete

finger hovering over

should I?

Wine making bolder

a dark pull from somewhere

a fizzing warning shrivelling on a synapse line




◄ Self Indulgence.

Death Throes ►


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Fri 1st Oct 2010 15:30

Love this one Rachel, great work. Know that dreaded combination all too well. Many bullets I wish I'd never biten.

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Chris Dawson

Thu 9th Sep 2010 12:45

Love it ... memories + alcohol + 'enter' can be a heart-breaking combination.

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Andy N

Tue 7th Sep 2010 08:24

nice use of memories here, rach... top stuff.. i grew up in the 1970's and 1980's - can relate to this a lot xx

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Mon 6th Sep 2010 05:01

You capture the boldness - love these lines...

'a dark pull from somewhere
a fizzing warning shrivelling on a synapse line

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Cate Greenlees

Sun 5th Sep 2010 18:56

This is soooo good Rachel.There is nothing more lethal than nostalgia, and this highlights the sadness and loneliness of when love has ended. We may try to recapture it but it rarely happens.
I think you have captured the essence here. I am so enjoying reading everyones take on this new theme!
Cate xx

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Sun 5th Sep 2010 18:00

I like this a lot. We've all been there - a glass of wine is lethal - you always end up sending. Perhaps that's why we drink... we'd never do half the things we do it we really thought about it.
I've also been looking through old photos recently and they do make the past look ever so rosy. I think you have captured this beautifully. x

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Ann Foxglove

Sun 5th Sep 2010 12:20

Great Rach - that email "shall I send it -DARE I send it" thrill, well captured! Also like the way you've chosen to illustrate the title. Biting bullets hasn't inspired me at all! xx

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