The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 15 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 12:38 am

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Let the words speak for themselves is all.


Breakfast Pots The day’s purpose already resolved Before the nag of the clock. There’s no hesitation: Up to order my piece of world. Cold water softens, warms Cleans away night’s fears . I invent myself new each day At the mirror with brush and pencil. Adrenaline won’t tolerate breakfast It’s not for me: blue gas on Pop-up toaster toasts. Sizzling pan greets a new meeting. After, bacon streaked crusts grin Over sandpaper toast remains. The butter knife, buttered And the teaspoon rusted. The door, heavy, shuts the morning in. Evening return lets the clock tick again. Through the day the morning drags on Until, home, I am welcomed by breakfast pots. The Old World The balm of warmth and softening senses Accompanied us into that old, dark world. The band of sea, a mirror to reflect The unconfessed imaginings of life. At dusk we sat at the street café, Drinking sweet beer. Food, a distraction, Sleep, also a burden, left behind. For us, enough to be: breath the same air. The graveyard dripped under the June deluge. Trees held onto liquid bunches of fruit, Unwilling to let them fade into earth. A strange quietude weighed in the air. The candles and icons of the dead, Heavy, silent: shared sorrow for brightness Burning, now flickering to a moth’s breath, And yet born in us, a kindness of love. The square, compressed by medieval minds, Provided an arcade to shelter by. An undone kiss with face and hair rain-streaked. Years later, souls still lie unquiet.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

Blog entries by Elaine

21 Orde Avenue (17/11/2011)

An Ending (11/10/2011)

Dark Words (03/06/2011)

Candle (15/02/2011)

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Dave Carr

Mon 21st Nov 2011 16:51

Thanks for comment on There's an App.
Hope the Poet's Corner thing went well.

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winston plowes

Sun 20th Nov 2011 21:09

Hi Elaine

Thx for the comments on Intercontinental drift, was writen in a hotel in London where they had the most stunning and imaginative displays of flowers I have ever seen, orchids in the lift up the walls and overhead. Amazing. Win x

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Chris Co

Fri 18th Nov 2011 21:49

Thx for reading/commenting on my last poem Elaine.

Great performance at Poets Corner- congrats!

Oh and perfect judging imho, I loved Steve Smith's poem and the humour of Hara's poem- great balance.

My Best


Steve Smith

Fri 18th Nov 2011 10:02

Dear Elaine,
thank you for your kind comments and I have re-read 'Old World ' and now find myself totally drawn into it. I used to live in Berlin , near the Wall, and once when the seasons were turning in the park ,Tiergarten, where there were ruined embassies untouched since 1945, experienced a moment such as your poem captures .Your craft recalls me to that moment ,painfully unconfessed imaginings.Oh regrets, I have a few!
Would like a re-read of your closing piece , if poss.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Thu 17th Nov 2011 20:34

Lush?...I am a Lush?? lol only joshing m'dear..yes a wintry, dijointed mix of thoughts..very me at the moment ha ha...cheers Elaine.x

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Peter Asher

Sun 6th Nov 2011 18:51

Liked 'Breakfast Pots'. Humorous topped with a light sprinkling of pathos. But really.. it struck me as sad and doesn't it sum us all up!

Steve Smith

Wed 2nd Nov 2011 18:40

Dear Elaine,
Thanks for the comment on the haikku - absolutely loved the last verse of your poem 'The Old World' (and that's not something I get to say very often...)oh dear that sounds so .. (word beginning with 'p')...parsimonious but it's a beautiful stanza
Steve Smith

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Tue 1st Nov 2011 22:13

Education. I work part time as a TA so hopefully they won't bug me too much! I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

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Tue 1st Nov 2011 21:03

Thanks for your comment Elaine. The idea was all Stellas and her poem on the theme was a lot better. It's not a subject I like to dwell on but I find other people's poetry stirs it up... and when you have to write something, it comes out whether you like it or not. :)

I'm on the way to feeling better thanks - which is just as well since we have OFSTED in tomorrow... Hope you are feeling better too. xx

<Deleted User> (9801)

Sat 22nd Oct 2011 22:36

Breakfast Pots made me laugh! want to read some more. x

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John Darwin

Wed 19th Oct 2011 21:47

elaine, hope you are well, thanks for ocmmenting do encouragingly about my poem September

John x

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winston plowes

Sun 16th Oct 2011 18:43

Elaine, Great to see your comments on Autism and fit. I am on a bit of a roll at the moment and really enjoying writing. and yes I now have a mini collection of these football report found poems. Win x

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Laura Taylor

Wed 12th Oct 2011 12:47

Hello lovely

Thank you very much for your comments on various pomes - always appreciated :) And yes - god, didn't think you'd notice the date with Clear Blue Air, if you read it! I just checked and there was about 90 minutes between the email and the poem being posted!! Another one that just had to be vomited out!

See you tomorrow night m'dear :) xxx

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John Coopey

Wed 12th Oct 2011 11:39

Hello Elaine.
Glad you liked "Widening the Circle of Friends". The best definition of a "fizzog" is my photo!

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 11th Oct 2011 21:53

thank you Elaine :o)

<Deleted User> (6315)

Tue 11th Oct 2011 21:20

Too kind Elaine but it is great to know that something touched another..hope to see you soon xx

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Jeff Dawson

Tue 11th Oct 2011 19:59

Cheers for comment Elaine hope you're well, are you still coming to Guitar n Verse @ Tyldesley on 22nd?? Jeff XX

<Deleted User> (9635)

Tue 11th Oct 2011 19:20

Hi Elaine, thanks for the kind comment, Cheers Neil

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Tue 11th Oct 2011 12:20

Hi, Elaine,
Sorry I missed your call. Do try again, or a regular email. This message is via this route as I annihilated my computer the last time I used the 'personal' route with someone else. So now I'm scared to death to try again. Can't afford to jinx my laptop.

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Mon 19th Sep 2011 18:58

Thanks for your comment Elaine. Yes - it was a different one for me - just a reflection of a mood I was in. I've had a good read of your latest and enjoyed. I'm never good on commenting on nature poems though - they don't quite reach me in the same way.

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Laura Taylor

Mon 19th Sep 2011 16:14

Thanks E for your comment on Gordon, always much appreciated and yep you're spot on. Bullies are made, not born - we both know that. It was a story that had to be told.

Aye, dunno wtf happened to your other comment!

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winston plowes

Sun 18th Sep 2011 22:22

Hi There thanks for your constructive comments on the 2nd of these McCarra experiments - harm resistance. It is a running debate as to whether an origin statement should be included. I currently think it should but both ways (With or without) have advantages, Win x

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Andy N

Sat 3rd Sep 2011 00:42

Hi Elaine; - thanks for the comment on ticket to ride it was wrote on a summers day which i guess sums up the british summertime - lol but thanks for the comment again - hope you are good - speak soon xx

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Andy N

Thu 1st Sep 2011 13:30

Hi Elaine;

Thanks for the comment over My Hometown.
Oddly enough the last line which seems to be going down so well was the line which was the one I was most worried about, but pleased you liked it.

See you soon (I am almost fighting fit now)

Cheers x

Andy N xx

P.S. - The piece is about my love affair with my hometown (Stretford).

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Rachel Bond

Mon 29th Aug 2011 00:19

thanks for positive comments on my poetry. will try write some more soon x

<Deleted User> (8730)

Sat 20th Aug 2011 11:11

The Old World - some great phrases used here - I like the world balm - the poems reminds me of a holiday in Majorca - love long gone and just a memory. I prefer to rmember the holiday and not her.....

<Deleted User> (8730)

Sat 20th Aug 2011 11:09

Breakfast Pots - very readable and I nice endnding - the pots or the wahing are always there to return to....

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Fri 19th Aug 2011 12:55

Hi Elaine, many thanks for the recent comments and for reading my poems. Very much appreciated. T.

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Ray Miller

Wed 17th Aug 2011 17:34

Sorry, Elaine, should have made myself clearer. I think "played shadow puppets" reads better. I thought the first line was rather long in relation to the rest of the poem, though maybe that's no bad thing. Poems never are finished, that's the way to look at it, can always be made better.

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Laura Taylor

Wed 17th Aug 2011 10:28

Hello m'dear - soooo many thanks for taking the time to read and comment on so many pieces!! You appear to have been up most of the night on WOL :D

Take care, and see ya soon

Moi xxx

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