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Dark Words


There, inbetween words, are dark words:

non-words that whisper.

Sonar sounds

pulsating messages.

Still small voice of calm

to roars’ raging.

Listen now,

inside, between the corpusles,

behind your eyes,

the dark words speak.

Listen more closely this time.

If only you could be still enough,

if only you could be quiet enough:

switch off the drumming pump,

switch off the gasping air,

switch off the firing electrics.

With heart and lungs and mind stilled,

who do you hear?

In dead of night,

when no traffic ventures,

or step treads,

be alone and still and silent.

Ask yourself,

who do you hear?

And listening,

write those words,

between worlds,

the dark words.

◄ Candle

An Ending ►


<Deleted User> (6315)

Sun 20th Nov 2011 22:04

I have often wondered about those words we can only grasp at..the ones that are so clear just before sleep..I think you capture this very well..dark words indeed..nice one Elaine..great mind thought here.. :)

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Andy N

Wed 8th Jun 2011 08:17

enjoyed it, Elaine although I was thinking about splitting it into a few stanzas as with it's power, it left me a bit red faced by the end of it..

top stuff however.

see you soon x

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 6th Jun 2011 11:29

This is a very good idea, Elaine. In honesty, I would probably pare down a bit, take out some words not really adding much to the powerful concept. IMO, Silence is forceful; the lines do not need to meander. If one's 'heart' and 'lungs' are 'stilled' I can't see where there is a 'mind' left. I think the Bible quote is often misunderstood out of context, where 'still' is meant to be 'no motion' as in 'Stop warring with each other! Get your priorities straight!' Perhaps it is the idea of 'calming', not 'stopping' I am referring to. Wouldn't you say that 'venturing' requires 'choice'; it seems an odd word for 'traffic'. I am intrigued that you say 'Who' do you hear as opposed to 'What' do you hear. 'Silence' is the loudest 'sound' of all. I'm writing this as though I'm talking to you; I hope that's OK.

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Laura Taylor

Sun 5th Jun 2011 11:53

Love this Elaine! Kind of opens up and explores the channel of creativity. This is great:

And listening,

write those words,

between worlds,

the dark words

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Sat 4th Jun 2011 17:26

For me, this expresses hidden feelings.
Especially liked:

'non-words that whisper'

'pulsating messages'

'If only you could be still enough,
if only you could be quiet enough'

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John Embley

Sat 4th Jun 2011 11:37

Very interesting - I noticed on a recent TV program about a silent retreat how some of the participants were almost terrified of the prospect of not being constantly bombarded with noise to distract them from their inner thoughts. I wondered what they thought they were going to find? Some of them who really tried and persevered definitely thought 'someone' spoke to them.

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Greg Freeman

Sat 4th Jun 2011 10:36

Are the dark words good or bad? I wonder. Are they words you might be able to tap into through meditation? Are they words to be avoided or embraced? This is really interesting and thought-provoking, Elaine

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Sat 4th Jun 2011 10:24

Definitely intriguing. I hadn't seen any religious links but I guess this is open to interpretation. For me - the idea of darkness would indicate something more malign - something in all of us that we seek to suppress.

Maybe by catching them, writing them down, we could start to acknowledge and deal with them. Just my interpretation of it.

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Dave Bradley

Sat 4th Jun 2011 09:24

Intriguing. I was talking yesterday to a friend about to go off on a 4 day silent retreat. Maybe she will tune in to the dark words. Is that what it takes?

You've referenced 1Kings 19:12 (King James/Authorised version)with "Still, small voice". This remains one of the more influential OT passages. The idea that, for us, God is not principally in the fireworks, but in something far more subtle.

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kath hewitt

Sat 4th Jun 2011 04:55

really like this.

if only you could be still enough
if only you could be quiet enough.

thought this so many times... wish i had written it down!

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