The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 31 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

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John Embley

Updated: Fri, 13 May 2011 09:35 pm

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Recently retired electronics engineer and civil servant. I have no performance or publishing history, at least on the poetry side. I started writing 'nonsense' rhymes for my kids to help their maths and science quite a few years ago, and that has now degenerated into low-quality doggerel. I am trying to get serious, though!


If If you call your rottweiler ‘Priscilla’, does he lose all his killa instinct? No - he goes barmy and bites off your arm - he doesn’t act quite like you thinked. ---- NOT GUILTY Feeling guilty, I recently inquired Is it absolutely required Now I'm retired To feel all inspired, (Old ambitions re-fired) Get my brain stem re-wired, And, new energy acquired To be universally admired, And go out and do really useful stuff? Or Can I just say As things have transpired The years have conspired - Fame no longer desired This dude's too tired so Bollocks and Sod It? Yep. Sure can. Just did!

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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John Coopey

Thu 8th Aug 2013 23:49

Hello John,
Many thanks for your thoughts on "Lord Howell" and, once again, apologies for the stab at the accent.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 25th May 2012 19:13

JE - many thanks for the comment on my post for
I have replied thereon but will personally
recommend you check out his prolific CV online.
His symphonies are a good place to start -
expecially those I listed (you already mention the 6th), and there are other works well worth
hearing. This shorter symphony is being performed here in central London tomorrow evening in a concert of all-British music by a
first rate pro-am ensemble that can be found on and I will be there - for a
number of reasons...but most of all, for his
music - so shamefully marginalised by the
"music establishment" of this country since WW2.
Best wishes
MC (Friday 25/5/2012)

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John Coopey

Sun 25th Mar 2012 23:44

Glad you liked, "Talkin' Brown Ale Blues" John. I hated the stuff 40 years ago. I'm teetotal these days and Newcy Broon offers no threat to that!

<Deleted User> (10123)

Mon 19th Mar 2012 20:55

There are two Eftymoo to every three-legged Glopsnork, we'll eat 'em alive. Thanks for kind words. Main concern is that three-legged Glopsnork, think it's from Douglas IoM, Thanks again, Nick.

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Yvonne Brunton

Sun 18th Mar 2012 17:14

Hi, John, Thanks for your comment on My Guitar.
I see your profile photo shows a 12-string. I Have enough on with a 6 string but I do enjoy strumming and writing songs.

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Harry O'Neill

Mon 5th Dec 2011 22:27

Thanks for the comment on `Fairy` John.

There was a famous raid in the south end years ago when the lodge raided St Ptricks and tried to lassoo a statue from the front.

It was great...they could have made a thriller out of it.

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John Coopey

Thu 17th Nov 2011 13:15

Thanks for your thoughts on BSA Bantam.
Bantam electrics? - like How Bees Fly. Scientists don't know!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 8th Oct 2011 22:50

thank you I right in saying this is to
do with the assumption of parallel existences?
in a lot of recent revelations many scientific
discoveries have been turned on their heads
so although fascinating its fairly doubtful
we will get the real 'truths' until we do a lot
more'stepping stoning'of our neighbouring
planets-maybe.My thanks to you John-Patricia.x

<Deleted User> (6895)

Thu 15th Sep 2011 20:38

Hi John
hope you are back in poetical flow.

kindly thanks are yours
for your welcome comments
on my poem 'Wife'

both she and I thank you.

Patricia & Stef.

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John Coopey

Mon 5th Sep 2011 16:30

Thanks for the comments on A Wonderful Opportunity. If you want to check it out Bert Williams is on YouTube with an audio of his (superior) original entiled Somebody Else Not Me.

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John Coopey

Thu 1st Sep 2011 10:00

Many thanks for your kind thoughts on Wedding Anniversary. Since there were a lot of comments I have posted a more expansive response on the blog itself.

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John Coopey

Tue 23rd Aug 2011 10:16

Glad you liked New Yorkers, John. I get a lot of my knowledge of history from the works of Bernard Cornwell. I'd just finished reading The Fort, about the defence of Majabigwaduce, which prompted me to do the poem.

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Laura Taylor

Thu 4th Aug 2011 11:44

Hiya John

Cheers for your comment on Dissonance - I'm pleased it got you reading The Prophet again. It's one of my favourite books. It's kinda spooky but whenever I'm in 'need' of it, it falls open onto the pages that give me the most succour.

Anyhoo - the 'she'? Who do YOU think that is?

<Deleted User> (6895)

Tue 26th Jul 2011 21:46

Good evening John.
put that whisky down
and please accept my thanks for commenting on
'Morbid Disturbance'


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John Coopey

Mon 25th Jul 2011 11:39

John - thanks for commenting on "The Fairies in the Backs".
I assume, like me, you played Union. I always thought it a hard game but having more recently watched League a lot at local dog-shit pitch level it's nothing! League is just plain dirty.
When I was a student at Durham we played a lot of the local teams, all keen to give the poncy students a bit of a "welcome". I recollect a couple of Railwaymen's teams from Darlington were a bit feisty!

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Ann Foxglove

Mon 25th Jul 2011 11:09

Thanks for your comment on Whitechapel Ladies. The first part is a bit like the old folk tune Adeiu Spanish Ladies, which just popped into my head. The chorus is just a bit of a mess trying to fit in all the names. I wanted to pay tribute to some of the women murdered over the years, from Jack the Ripper victims, Yorkshire Ripper victims, the Soham girls, Suffolk Strangler victims, Milly Dowler, Jill Dando and Suzy Lamplugh.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Sun 24th Jul 2011 23:57

John...thanks for leaving a comment on Sandcastles...yes summers were endless and Christmas never came there seems to be two Christmases and summer has gone on vacation lol

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Laura Taylor

Fri 22nd Jul 2011 14:28

Aye no worries chuck - hope you enjoy :) DEAD interesting!

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Laura Taylor

Thu 21st Jul 2011 11:15

Howdy John - yeh, my brother always used to get in first with the accusatory finger pointing and the 'SHE started it'

Did him no good mind, we both got a battering for it.

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Thu 21st Jul 2011 09:06

Thanks for your comment on Tainted Wings - yes - it was probably more than 2 - and it's happened more than once! I think it kind of led to the premature realisation that there was no tooth fairy. I never screwed up with father christmas though! x

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Tue 19th Jul 2011 17:58

Thanks for your comment on MY CV John. I think I did feel like that for a short while after I retired but not any more I'm far too busy.

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John Coopey

Sat 16th Jul 2011 22:56

Thanks for your thoughts on "No Better Ending". You're right about how evocative wood-smoke (and smudge fires) are.


Fri 8th Jul 2011 08:19

Thank you for your comments on Water's Edge John - much appreciated.

<Deleted User> (7789)

Fri 1st Jul 2011 17:44

Hi John. Yes, I agree with your comments about the real causes of the deficit, that's for sure. As for people in the private sector, well there are many more of them, and maybe they joined it because they thought it was the way to make money than in the public sector. It can be, but only if you're successful. The govt (which to make it more controversial, in cases like this, is referred to as 'the taxpayer' does pay towards public sector pensions because it's the employer, but the public sector workers - certainly me anyway (I'm not a teacher, so they may be different) - pay a lot out of our salary each month towards our pensions, it doesn't just come from the govt. The trouble is, there's no pot - it just gets spent on today's pensioners, and so when I retire, all the money I personally have paid in won't be there for me. So it works in reverse - yes, people pay for my pension, but all this time, I'm paying for other people's pensions, and by the time I retire there'll be less for me than there is for all the people I'm paying for now... rant over, LOL

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sat 25th Jun 2011 20:27

Thank you so much John for your amusing comments on my poem'Abidance in subsidence'-S.W.

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John Coopey

Sun 5th Jun 2011 23:10

John, thanks for your comments on "Prestatyn". It's not entirely factual - we did spend camping holidays in Abergele and Towyn but never Prestatyn. Poetic licence I suppose.

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Elaine Booth

Sat 4th Jun 2011 12:38

John, many thanks for your comments. Spooky to think those people thought someone was talking to them. Hope the psychs were on hand!

<Deleted User> (6895)

Sun 15th May 2011 16:31

Hi John and a warm welcome also.Thank you very much from your kind advisory comment-points noted.I love the usual style of your sample poems,hope to see plenty more.Enjoy the site.

<Deleted User> (7075)

Sat 14th May 2011 19:21

Hi John, welcome to WOL . You are now free to use all the different aspects of the site, Winston

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