I close my eyes
I close my eyes
and as I doze
years melt away
I see as clear
as that distant day
the railway station
steam trains abound
promise of travel
to distant towns
the sight and sound
of the mighty engines
as they rhythmically
hiss, chuff, whistle
and clank their way
on the bright iron rails
midst billowing clouds
starting, ending,
their long journeys
and I wish I could go.
I run to watch
a departing train
and, caught in the
steam and smoke
from the funnel
as it passes
under the footbridge
in the park
breathe it deep
for that magical smell
like a magical spell
which transports me
miles away
if I close my eyes.
Mam licks her handkerchief
to remove black smuts
from my face
and we walk back home
‘til next time
Greg Freeman
Tue 19th Jul 2011 23:47
It is such an evocative smell. One came through our station the main line the other day and sent me right back to childhood.