The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

Forgotten in the Attic

Forgotten in the Attic


Old clothes in the attic

Yesterday’s peacock feathers

Indigo, blue and red

Faded profusion in the darkness

High In the loft that’s above our bed

Long gone twills and corduroy

Neatly folded in their creases

Neatly folded where they lay

All in pretty layers of their day


Brown brogues in the attic

Tinsel and baubles on the tree

Indigo blue and red

Faded profusion in the darkness

High In the loft that’s above our bed

Cardigan, sleeve and ivory button

Once they were our pride and Joy

Once they saw the light of day

Instead now in dust and mildew lay


Photo frames in the attic

Oil paintings stacked against the wall

Indigo, blue and red

Faded profusion in the darkness

High In the loft that’s above our bed

Bronze warhorse lamp cuprum verdigris,

Upon piled old books pages turning

Upon a Goblin Teas Maid tray

That once heralded the break of day



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