The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Updated: Wed, 15 May 2013 09:08 am

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I am a painter, poet and published writer from Rochdale, Lancashire. I facilitate creative writing sessions Publications 23rd June 2009: Car Wash - November 2009: 'Here' (Whispers on the Breeze, United Press) May 2010: 'The Chairs' and 'Exegesis' (The Strand Book of International Poets Anthology 2010, Strand Publishing, London) May 2010: 'Forecast' (Other Poetry Magazine, North East) Aug 2010: Poster poems project, MMU, Manchester - (displayed on Manchester’s buses and train stations). Winter 2010 - The Tower Journal, USA, 'The Paper Trees', 'Peaches', 'Delicate', 'Light', 'The Oldest Trick'. Winter 2010 - The Spleen Magazine, UK, 'the old Lie', 'The Mills Are Dead', 'Helicopters', 'Tin Foil Gerbil'. Winter 2010 - Dragonheart Press Online Journal, UK, 'Dereliction', 'Advent', 'Leave'. A Million Ways to Measure the Sun - Welsh Poetry Competition - The First Five Years, Ponty Press 2011 - 'the 2154 of this land' Other Poetry - Series Four number 4 - 'Fallout Room' Other Poetry - Series Four number 6 - 'Internal' 'Das Auge Im Eis' - lulu 2012 The Poetry of War and Peace Wrixton/Blurb 2012 - 'Das Auge Im Eis' Words on the Wind of Change - Wrixton/Blurb 2012 - 'Forecast' Best of Manchester Poets Volume 3, Puppywolf 2013 - 'Cotton Sonnet' Twenty Two Zine Issue 4, 2013 - 'Chase', 'When'


Tacheles Dim lit, arms out into voids of thought - even the windows are considered art. Here there's welding out back; shouldered by buildings East and West. In that moment of breath We provide this staircase I love you more than any wall removed or colour doted canvas revealed.

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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David Blake

Wed 6th Feb 2013 19:38

Thanks for your welcome to WOL and your kind words on 'The Dream at the Party'.

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Sat 29th Jan 2011 17:37

Steve, sorry I missed Sale Waterside last Tuesday. I was in hospital.


Sun 23rd Jan 2011 15:15

Hi Steve - many thanks for commenting on 'Alarm' I do appreciate your views and acknowledge being remiss and unconventional - best regards

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Daniel Hooks

Mon 3rd Jan 2011 14:27

cropped the quiet room like you said it does work well i have made it into a song

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John Darwin

Mon 20th Dec 2010 11:19

cheers Steve, I am hoping to witness the Garside step-away tonight

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Laura Taylor

Mon 13th Dec 2010 09:27

Hi Steve

Cheers for your comment on Blood. See your points, but as it's a haiku, the 'cold air' is there to represent a season. I could lose the 'the' on that line by using something like 'frozen' instead - something that would give me the two syllables lost with 'the cold'.

Course, I could just rewrite whole sections of it and change it from a haiku to a 'normal' poem. Am intending to rewrite a few of them anyway :)

Cheers again


Sun 12th Dec 2010 20:11

Hi Steve - thanks for commenting on the Abbey Road poem - line markers do make a difference don't they much obliged for that - just checked out your recent one 'Untitled' and saw how well it works there - read your biog too -awesome

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Fri 10th Dec 2010 11:22

re kissed , yes you are right , and this month is the first month i am beginning to see how to link ideas together in a poem ... watch this space i guess , :)

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Tue 7th Dec 2010 21:23

thankyou for taking the time to read and comment on all my work :)

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sun 3rd Oct 2010 19:38

Hi, Steve! Thank you so much for the comments on "Indian Summer" and for a good advice. Much appreciate it. With warmest wishes, Larisa

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Mon 26th Jul 2010 10:42

Congratulations on your recognition in the Welsh Poetry Competition!

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winston plowes

Mon 12th Jul 2010 22:34

hi Steve, for no real reason other than ambling through the lanes of the internet I hav had a relaxing time looking at your costal views paintings .Night view 1 being my favourite. I think I will retire within the sound of the sea... both tonight and in old age. toodle pip. Win

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 5th Mar 2010 18:38

Hi! Thanks for commenting on Mapping. I know what you mean about some of the phrases but I was trying to make what is a cliche when applied to the landscape something new when applied to a human body. That was the idea anyway. But I may think of an alternative.

Ieuan Cilgwri

Wed 20th Jan 2010 00:03

I love your sermons... in a patriarchally received way :)

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 2nd Jan 2010 22:35

Thanks for your comments on my HD poem. I agree with what you say. As so often, I rushed to put the poem on. Have turned breath into breathe, which is what it was meant to be. I think my problem is that my poems jump into my head then right onto the page without me thinking much about them! Nice to get such a lot of caring feedback! xx

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John Darwin

Fri 2nd Oct 2009 08:47

Steve, thank you for the comments on my poem 'the daylight comes with me' - appreciate you taking the time to consider it closely. I see your point and I did think about the repitition of 'charm' at the time but, as is my tendency, I thought 'fuck it' and left it as it was!! Lazyitis.

thanks again

<Deleted User> (5646)

Sun 27th Sep 2009 10:49


thanks very much for your considered response to my comment. It's really very informative. :-)


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Chris Dawson

Thu 24th Sep 2009 22:57

Hi Steve,
Thanks for your suggestions on re-writing my recent blog - I read it through, briefly, and liked some of your ideas, but when I looked again for it - it had disappeared. If you have a copy, I'd appreciate it, if that's possible?
Talk soon,

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Mon 13th Jul 2009 05:07

Thank you so much for your input Steve...
Yeah, I chose 'In the darkness of night' for the dual meaning...
When I wrote this, my inspiration came from a past dream and a current situation...
Will look at it again... I appreciate your time.

Francine x

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Gus Jonsson

Sun 12th Jul 2009 11:25

Hey up Steve,
Thank for all of your encouraging critique and edit advice, I think thatsa great improvement.

Great to hear from u.
Many Thanks

<Deleted User>

Mon 29th Jun 2009 11:13

Hey Steve I read Circle last night, loved the rhythm of it, it really rattles along towards the end, Images coming thick and fast... liked it lots... shoeless said tho that I would have to quick to comment on it as you take stuff off pretty quick too... as I said last night tho... I am Sloooooooow lol

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chris stevenson

Sun 21st Jun 2009 22:19

...howdo steve..many thanks for the comments on 'my father' was written in couplets, all ending on different words to those seen here. I'd copied it from 'word' and every time I tried to paste it into the 'blog' area the lines came out 'double spaced', in the end I moved all the lines about until they were more compact, pressed all the buttons and it suddenly 'pasted' in as you see I left it alone !!..nevertheless it was very astute of you to realise it doesn't look right....I will take in your ideas, not having aired my poems much until now...thanks...chris.

<Deleted User> (6292)

Sun 14th Jun 2009 20:30

Steve many many thanks for taking the time to read my poetry, your suggestions demonstrate a great deal of experience which I am lacking and I will be editing along the the lines of your suggestions very soon
Thank you so much.
Augusta x

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Thu 11th Jun 2009 16:35

Hi steve, thanks for your comments on The Feminine Beauty. The way you have restructured the poem is something i have been trying to achieve. Thats exactly the way i like to structure the poems i often write, but, have had no training and forming the structure thus is something that i can now try to employ. Thank you for your help. Be well blue.


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winston plowes

Thu 11th Jun 2009 08:59

Hi Steve. thanks for reading and commenting on Oil and Cheese / Chalk and Water. Win

<Deleted User> (5879)

Thu 9th Apr 2009 22:43

Hi steve...Yes i wish to perform! More than anything! Do you have some info for me please? And would you mind if i tagged along with you some time?....Yosh(shane)

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Anthony Emmerson

Sun 15th Mar 2009 21:29

Hi Steve,
Thanks for looking in on "The Gift." Seamus Heaney eh? Now I know you're winding me up!
Enjoyed your "Soliloquy". It has a surreal, semi-comatose, opiate induced feel of drifting off - which I hope is what you intended. I liked the repeat at the end; adds both emphasis and rhythm.

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Sat 14th Mar 2009 11:55

you know i like your work , sometimes i find it too hard to comment directly though .

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David Franks

Thu 15th Jan 2009 11:07

Just enjoyed "Matese", Steve.

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chris dommett

Wed 14th Jan 2009 12:23

i think your right a poem is never finished thanks for the comment the other day it really helped me, the new version is now posted if your interested, im liking your poetry, its great work and i enjoyed them thoughroughly, chris.

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