The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 12 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

Compy Dompy

I represent our client Mr Dumpty

He had an accident you may recall

And though some might regard him as a 'numpty'

We feel the blame lies squarely with your wall.


In short to watch the Royal pageant pass through

Mad throngs had lined the streets as mad throngs do

And Mr Dumpty being short in stature

Climbed your wall to get a better view


Our client was left with multiple abrasions

On top of that whiplash, of course, and stress

The King's men (and their horses) couldn't save him

But luckily we have the NHS


As he got to theatre he was raving

He lost a lot of albumen, you know

His exoskeleton like crazy paving

The surgeons said that it was touch and go


The wall was checked by our top engineer

His findings you will see in his report

Poor workmanship and maintenance that’s clear

All points that surely would stand up in court


It clearly notes the weakness of the mortar

Suggesting possibly a lack of lime

Or inconsistent mixing of the water

A wonder how it's stayed up till this time


Unfortunately this is now our culture

Substantial compensation is our aim

By every ambulance you'll find a vulture

For where there's blame there's usually a claim


So to the root of this communication

Let’s try to focus on the job in hand

The simple matter of your implication

The compy - shall we call it twenty grand?


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Dave Carr

Thu 8th Nov 2012 12:13

Thanks to all for comments on this. Seems ages ago. Been busy with family stuff.

<Deleted User> (6315)

Wed 1st Aug 2012 16:00 it..specially the albumen line for me..cracked me up..pun intended!!

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Katherine Shirley

Wed 1st Aug 2012 11:54


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Fri 27th Jul 2012 10:22

Nice to see you posting :) It's time you gave Compy Dompy another airing. Very funny and so so true - let's blame it all on America, like we do with the ecomomy! x

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Chris Co

Fri 27th Jul 2012 06:36

I enjoyed this when it you read it at the Tudor Dave...good fun!



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Ray Miller

Thu 26th Jul 2012 18:55

Absolutely splendid, Dave.The rhythm is excellent apart maybe first line, 3rd verse - our client, maybe "our man" might be better.
I understand Compy - what's Dompy?

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Laura Taylor

Thu 26th Jul 2012 16:13

Eh up! Great to see you posting again chuck! I am going the next Tudor so hope to see you there :) (doing this!)

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 26th Jul 2012 11:27

Combines a fizzing and very funny view of our
modern world and its compensation culture.
I can pay no higher compliment than to say it
is the sort of thing W.S. Gilbert would have
busied himself writing!

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Thu 26th Jul 2012 10:04

Haha! Seem to remember you doing this in the Tudor a while ago Dave-very funny!Another classic in your trademark style! 'His exoskeleton like crazy paving'. Just one of many great lines.

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Margaret Holbrook

Thu 26th Jul 2012 09:41

Love it!

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Yvonne Brunton

Wed 25th Jul 2012 23:35

Tee Hee a cracking good poem. xx

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