The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Sounds of Suburbia

entry picture

The laughter of a child and a baby's cry

The buzz of a bee as it flies on by

The thrum of the motorway a little way off

and the gravely scratch of an old mans cough


The creak of the fence as it rocks in the breeze

The comforting shush of whispering leaves

The drone of a plane and a car door bang

and the radio noise of fans in the stands


The muffled voices of the neighbours next door

The builders van and its engine roar

The pretty tweeting of birds in song

and a ball kicked shed-side all day long


The home alarm and its piercing scream

The delightful jingle of nearing ice cream

The vacuum cleaning somewhere near

A cacophony of noise in my ear.


â—„ Sycamore Babies

Shut Down â–º


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Sun 28th Jul 2013 23:15

I am really liking these poems from you!
It's nice to see you writing (and sharing) again - trying different formats!
Now pass along whatever it is you have... xx

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 28th Jul 2013 20:39

Hiya Kath

I'm liking this a lot - it's got a nice, simple rhyme pattern and builds a vivid urban picture. It reminds me a little bit of 'that's entertainment' by The Jam - which Weller has said was a simple, yet effective piece and I think the same can be said for this :-)

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Harry O'Neill

Sun 28th Jul 2013 20:19

I like this very much and agree that it is (mainly) smooth and pleasurable.

I think lines ten and fourteen should change places.

I can see the intention of `Cacaphony` in that last (noisy?) stanza but feel that the word itself is too strong and `startles` the poem too overpoweringly.

Much better that most of the `list` poems.

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