The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 16 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Wigan WOL Open Mic at The Old Courts

Updated: Mon, 8 Dec 2014 10:44 pm

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Every second Thursday of the month. If you would like to compare, get in touch by email. Everyone gets to read and perform, everyone gets to drink and socialise, everyone gets to dance and get naked. Recent comments on The Wigan WOL event: What an enjoyable evening. Very well compered by Darren whose anarchic verbal duelling with hecklers was a delight. Joy, Louise and Dave Carr stood out for me but there were also excellent contributions from Chris Co, Steve Smith, Julian, Ian W, George, Baz, Shaz and many others. I was especially struck by Rachel's poem about Saharan dust and Isobel's about her daughter's stone collection. I've never seen Matt so uninhibited. Darren gave his "we are MEN" another fun run out and then morphed it into we are ...poets...Wiganers... There was no limit to what we could be, and we believed him. All rounded off with another mystifying offering from John T which even Darren couldn't understand. I believe Greg's coming next time - he's in for a treat. and A good night - I'd agree with Dave, very well compered by Darren. It had the appearance of being enjoyably disorganised whilst running to time - no mean feat. A high standard of poetry interspersed with moments of madness. Bohemian clockwork

What we do

Write Out Loud's Open Mic event, previously at The Tudor House in Wigan, and now at The Old Courts, is its own kind of beast. Many comment on the camaraderie, the spontaneity and the atmosphere but none of this would be possible without the poetry. From the newcomers to the stalwarts of Wigan, and those travelling through, the event makes an impression. Everyone gets on as there is no closed list with each poet having a loose five minutes to perform/read. At times, The Wigan Write Out Loud event is more like a poetry social event with poets arriving early, socialising, drinking, waiting for the night to start and it is this connection poets feel, that welcome for who they are, no judgements made, that makes this event special. There have been many legendary nights of high standard poetry and a rifle through the discussion boards Gig Feedback sessions will give you an idea of what the events are like. I hope you will venture out to join us here in Wigan and enjoy your night at The Tudor House. Comments on The Tudor events: 'A rollicking good night' 'Things are happening at the Tudor.You can just feel it in the atmosphere.Unbelievably good night!' 'To be serious I felt the Tudor has come of age as a poetry venue, poetry sits seamlessly with all the normal functions of a good pub, and the regulars and the irregulars weave indistinguishably between the bar, the loos, the stage and the garden. Hoorah!' 'Once again the Tudor sets the standard for Performance Poetry' 'Loved seeing everyone perform and meeting so many friendly faces' 'Wigan is the ideal place to begin, develop and ultimately enjoy both your own poetry and that of other like minded people' 'it was a great night, one of the best Ive attended at The Tudor' 'I loved the balance of surreal, serious and comedy - there was something to please all.' 'The quality of poetry was incredibly high, the friendly welcoming atmosphere was condusive to welcoming newcomers and supportive of its long term members. Great poetry. Great night. What more to say? Cate xx' 'I thought last Thursday's Tudor was excellent. Where else can you go for free entertainment of that standard'

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Sun 17th Mar 2013 17:38

We're simply the best - better than all the rest!

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John Togher

Fri 5th Aug 2011 11:17

If any member wishes to review the next event, you can do so here (you need to be logged in to submit):

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Mon 18th Apr 2011 08:39

Awww - thanks for using my piccie John. Who was that other geeser trying to hog my limelight? If I remember rightly that was the slam last year - one of the best nights ever. It's hard to pick with the Tudor though - so many great nights... Even on a flat month, it's ten coats of paint better than any other venue. I think having a proper stage and sound system helps - also the room not too big/too small and the atmoshere that buzzes from the rest of the place. And of course you can't forget the no nonsense, tell it like it is, unpretentious poets that go there...

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Louise Fazackerley

Sun 17th Apr 2011 23:02

Great idea! And a super-sexy slick photo! Wigan WOL is the best! xxx

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