The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

A silly poem about hair.

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The following  is a

very silly poem

There was a girl named Shirley

whose hair was short and curly.

She never wanted to go anywhere

she hated her short curly hair.


Her mom would say, "Let's

go to the park."

Shirley would say

"Not until after dark."


There came a man

with a silly song.

"I can make your

hair straight and long."


Now Shirley goes to

the park by day,

but when people see

her they say, "OH hey!"


"What happened to your

short curly hair, where

did it go

o where o where?"


Now Shirley hates her

hair straight and long,

she wish she'd never

heard that silly song.


The moral of the

story is, love yourself

the way you are,

yes indeed you'll

go very far.


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Ann Foxglove

Sat 1st Oct 2011 20:27

Just spotted this Shirley (I've been away and I'm catching up now!) I really enjoyed it, the picture too. I used to stick cellotape on my fringe to try and make it go staight - and put a stocking on my hair after I'd washed it to stop it curling up! But now I kinda like it - freckles too! (Just wish there were no wrinkles!)

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 21st Sep 2011 22:22

I have to disagree with Coopey - I think there's enough silly stuff on here already (mostly mine) :)

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Andy N

Tue 20th Sep 2011 08:57

excellent stuff, shirley.. made me smile big style this morning.. would love to see more like this xx


Mon 19th Sep 2011 21:05

Nonsense verse is a very under used genre in my book so bring on more silly songs like this they lift the spirit.

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John Coopey

Sun 18th Sep 2011 20:56

There should be more silly songs on here like this, Shirley.

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