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Only Best Before

Now existing solely on borrowed time

But the loan carries a horrifying interest rate

From adulation to ignominious insignificance is a high price to pay.

Regrets and nostalgia for before often trigggered by frequent funerals

Each demise a painful thrust through the heart.

Relations' irritation that the loan has not yet been extinguished

Scorned for inevitable small inadequacies or vanished names

Sensation of being the last obsolete dinosaur

Prestige, status and respect diminishing with the years.


The dreaded icy metal wheelchair mockingly flipping footflaps

with a gleefully malevolent grin, waiting at the end of the steep stony path.

Life become like a dull party, attended out of obligation, not by choice

But no escape, lacking a plausible excuse to thank and run away.

Should be accepted as inevitable, even fortunate compared to some

But indeed a bitter, burning placebo to swallow, with no cure possible.

Preferable perhaps to seek a Final Solution, but would mean spurning a unique gift.
















◄ A Family Easter


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jennifer Malden

Thu 18th Jul 2024 20:20

Thanks to Aisha and John for the likes!

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jennifer Malden

Mon 15th Jul 2024 15:41

Thanks Stephen and Tim for the likes. Ray, glad you found it 'uncomfortable to read' , as it was intended as a protest, and to let some of the indignation out. Original title was Old Rage! What gets me is that the symptoms and difficulties of being old are so often only perceived as lack of intelligence, which they are not. Your brain and body can't be expected to work as in your forties even, but this is normal. Old people need encouragement, not to be got at because they are slower to understand, hear, etc
Liked your '80 but not out.' Thanks again.
Thanks Stephen! Glad it gave you a shiver! Not intending to take any drastic steps for the moment ayway. The 'Would be? 'was intended as a consideration regarding a Final Solution. Might be better to reverse the clauses. Appreciate the thought.

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Mon 15th Jul 2024 12:58

This poem strips away all pretence and comes out fighting in its own way with candour and frankness Jennifer. Each line is like a wound into the psyche. Admirable but uncomfortable to read, and I am sorry if this has an autobiographical element to it.

All the best to you anyway! Regards, Ray

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 15th Jul 2024 08:41

I have to say that I admire the intelligence and honesty of this poem, Jennifer.

As to the last line, is there not a word missing after 'Would be..'? (It may be that there isn't).
I have to admit that the last two words, with the capital letters, sent a shiver through me. But it's not for me to say.

Thanks for this.

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