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The term "woke" has been the subject of discussion about its meaning  The following may assist

those who are confronted with the word.

Wokeness is the ideology that enables people to hide behind a wall of false virtue, preaching

acceptance, equality and diversity of opinion - at the same time that they simultaneously attack,

cancel and destroy anyone who offends them.

(Basically, it is the enemy of rational debate).




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John Coopey

Thu 10th Oct 2024 16:38

I’ve always thought of wokeness as a Venn diagram of two overlapping circles; one of laudable conscience and the other downright silliness. The bit in the middle being Woke.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 10th Oct 2024 15:46

Kevin Walker - your comment brought to mind the court room exchange between barrister F.E. Smith and the trial judge who,
having heard Smith's submission, declared himself to be none
the wise, eliciting the dry response "None the wiser perhaps,
but better informed".
P.S. If you put an apostrophe in the middle of the word "were", it
is a short version of "we are"..." as in "We're going to the cinema".

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 10th Oct 2024 13:09

They’ve been trying to keep it from us for years, but the truth’s out now.
I’ve been talking to that bloke down the pub; he says men of fighting-age, who arrive here in small boats, are being sent on a three-day course of "wokenomics" by Starmer’s far-left commie government. Yer just couldn’t make it up could yer!

That’s how those guys can afford to drive round in Ferraris, open barber shops all over the place, and stay in ten-star hotels all at the taxpayer’s expense! Innuff's in-off, I say!
Your's Truly,
Disgrrrruntled (even) of Tunbridge Wells.

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John Coopey

Thu 10th Oct 2024 12:39

I’m afraid I’m of a generation for whom “woke” was what you did 5 minutes before the school bus came.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 10th Oct 2024 11:46

Hmm. I recall one of these contributors once making an online comment about being unsure what woke was all about. No pack drill. Perhaps that was just a disguised rebuttal of its existence? As my late mother used to say - the proof of
the pudding is in the eating.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Wed 9th Oct 2024 21:01

No-one's doing any "ganging-up" Telboy.
One is merely expressing honestly held opinions, just like you and MC are.

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Wed 9th Oct 2024 20:45

I suspect that when MC wrote this piece he anticipated being ganged up on.

MC I agree with your sentiments.

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Steve White

Wed 9th Oct 2024 19:59

The poet didn’t spare the time
To construct his straw man in rhyme
Opinion expressed as fact
Remains just that

Kevin Walker

Wed 9th Oct 2024 17:03

"Entertain, educate and inform" which we're you going for with this one because I'm sorry I seem to have missed the point somewhere.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 9th Oct 2024 15:17

"Writeoutloud" has always struck me as an invitation to employ
writing per se to entertain, educate and inform with poetry at
the forefront. The latter word can seem absent in many modern contributions if one resorts to its old meaning and popular
acceptance as an art form worthy of our time. But the bonus
of discussion is an important function in the creative life and
information towards understanding is surely vital in that regard.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 8th Oct 2024 17:18

I hate to be critical, MC, but that's not much of a poem. You'd be hard-pushed to receive any applause down at yer local open-mic for that.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 8th Oct 2024 17:11

The state of being awake, MC...or of not being asleep!

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