The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 17 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

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Stephen Mellor

Updated: Mon, 11 Feb 2019 07:44 pm

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Lazy (one dimensional) writer, rarely seen. Began writing lateish in life (2007) Absolutely no platform from which to comment or criticise the work of other strugglers in the world of 'poetry'. I do, however, enjoy the occasional saunter to a Gig, where I can see what others might see in my stuff.


Pheasant or Quail The grass is greener, so they say, But not from what I saw today The 66 the road I rode And where I saw a bird explode A pheasant or perhaps a quail Is subject of this tragic tale The gamebird tried to make a dash To cross the road, but made a hash Of getting to the other side, Failing after one full stride. So was the birdie on the run? Was he feared of hunter’s gun? Had he merely lost the plot? Maybe yes or maybe not, Makes no odds, this final ramble Proved for it too great a gamble, For as the bird approached the road, He thought no more about the code, (the Green Cross code) that he had learned. So, seemingly quite unconcerned, The quail (or pheasant?) thus was doomed For as the major highway loomed, Oblivious, the gamebird ran Into the path of Sherpa van And pheasant (or the quail?) took flight A truly mesmerising sight Somersaulting in the air Plumage flying everywhere Up he flew, and dropped as fast Thus the gamebird drew its last The rise and fall of a glorious bird A curious life with ending absurd

All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.

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Greg Freeman

Wed 25th Oct 2023 20:17

As I said, Steve, 'Kier' or Keir' is a small point, but as an old sub-editor, I have to point these things out. And to mention, too, that yes, I am still a southerner, but have been living up north for the past year. The locals are quite friendly where we are!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 6th Feb 2019 14:30

Hello again SM - I think your blog on the changes you've witnessed in your lifetime is one that can stand as a real
"life's witness" for future generations. It was a timely and
very relevant observation on just HOW much has altered
in my own long lifetime...and how we can tend to forget
just HOW much we have adjusted to - between a now very
distant childhood (post war rationing anyone?) and today's
cyber-world...from the wind-up gramophone and steel needles of family possession to the portable DVD and CD
marvels that are taken for granted today. Extraordinary
changes indeed - and it's a wonder some of us aren't more
confused along the way!! ?

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 3rd Feb 2019 11:15

Thanks for putting my mind at rest. I thought maybe it
was some electronic "glitch" - or that it had been moderated
for some obscure reasons!

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 2nd Feb 2019 20:18

SM - thanks for the grin: your "rarely/almost never" about
commenting, took me to Capt. Corcoran of HMS
Pinafore. I went to your profile page and clicked on the
title of your jig-saw blog but could only see the comments, not the poem. What did I do wrong?

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Don Matthews

Tue 25th Dec 2018 00:50

Hi Stephen

Yes I enjoy writing for my own interest but a little pat on the back is nice every now and again


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 21st Dec 2018 11:59

I think it is more fo a concern to folk of a certain attitude - and maybe "vintage" - this restraint about giving offence.
There are some who do it intentionally for a purpose - and
sometimes gratuitously for show. But it's worth it IF the
expressed words have a genuine purpose and feeling as their source. I tend to raise my eyes heavenwards and
sigh at the readiness of many "agendas" to take offence
at every opportunity but the pleasure and power of poetry
of whatever stripe is that it is generally accepted as the
time-honoured forum for such material. Long may it be so.
Merry Christmas to you. Keep posting!

P.S. Love the picture on your page - brings back memories of family images from those black and white
more innocent days of yore.

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