The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 13 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.


What to make of socialism = what has it got?

A sense of humour is difficult to spot;

As for self-deprecation, that's something that's not

To be found in that supra-nation state lot.

And answering a question with a question

Is a cause for incipient indigestion!  






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M.C. Newberry

Tue 27th Aug 2024 09:55

Many thanks for the comments...entertaining and energised...just
as they should be.
Helene - having family in the USA...the result of a WW2 pairing
of an elder sister and an American infantry officer, I am mischievously inclined to say "Go Kamala...and the sooner the
better". 😋

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Steve White

Mon 26th Aug 2024 20:43

Thanks Hélène,

Go Kamala, indeed.

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Mon 26th Aug 2024 12:19

I find both MC's poem and Steve's responsive comment poem interesting.
Here's a thought. Take the best from each "--ism"; put it in a blender with a heavy dose of common sense and a generous dollop of kindness; add large amounts of democracy; and create a political system that balances individual freedom and the common good as best we can. (btw, here in the USA, I can't resist saying "Go Kamala!!)

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Steve White

Mon 26th Aug 2024 11:27

What to make of capitalism – the rich man’s game
Where the only thing that trickles down is blame
And the gentry have a laugh but it’s a shame
That equality is something they defame

A question for the supporter:
Do you like their shit in your water?

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Aug 2024 11:31

JD, Aisha and Hugh - thanks for indicating your enjoyment!
There are other older lines on this theme which served as an
inspiration - finishing
"One who is put down his
penny and pick up your shilling". 😏

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