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What to make of socialism = what has it got?

A sense of humour is difficult to spot;

As for self-deprecation, that's something that's not

To be found in that supra-nation state lot.

And answering a question with a question

Is a cause for incipient indigestion!  






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M.C. Newberry

Tue 27th Aug 2024 09:55

Many thanks for the comments...entertaining and energised...just
as they should be.
Helene - having family in the USA...the result of a WW2 pairing
of an elder sister and an American infantry officer, I am mischievously inclined to say "Go Kamala...and the sooner the
better". 😋

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Steve White

Mon 26th Aug 2024 20:43

Thanks Hélène,

Go Kamala, indeed.

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Mon 26th Aug 2024 12:19

I find both MC's poem and Steve's responsive comment poem interesting.
Here's a thought. Take the best from each "--ism"; put it in a blender with a heavy dose of common sense and a generous dollop of kindness; add large amounts of democracy; and create a political system that balances individual freedom and the common good as best we can. (btw, here in the USA, I can't resist saying "Go Kamala!!)

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Steve White

Mon 26th Aug 2024 11:27

What to make of capitalism – the rich man’s game
Where the only thing that trickles down is blame
And the gentry have a laugh but it’s a shame
That equality is something they defame

A question for the supporter:
Do you like their shit in your water?

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 24th Aug 2024 11:31

JD, Aisha and Hugh - thanks for indicating your enjoyment!
There are other older lines on this theme which served as an
inspiration - finishing
"One who is put down his
penny and pick up your shilling". 😏

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