The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


I'm waiting

just waiting

for urination


The time is right

the urge is right


but the train is as it were

held up outside the station.


Young men either side of me

continue on their merry way


while this old fella

waits for the off

managing just a nervous cough.


imagining trees and cows

porcelain extrusions

fostering old youthful illusions.





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Don Matthews

Fri 12th Jul 2019 09:31

Martin this is strange now
Why you cannot pee
Next-door streams should make you go

Pavlov with his dogs showed
Next-door running pee
Will power-suggest your bladder to
Undo, and go free

Methinks you're fighting nature
(And what would Pavlov think?)
Attempting to disprove him
At the pisshole sink?

Ray I must apologise
Commenting not on poem
It's Martin who's to blame for this
Distracting me, ho hum......

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Martin Elder

Fri 12th Jul 2019 08:51

Ray I have just stumbled upon this and can totally relate to not being able to pee at will when surrounded by other chaps in a public utility which is often far from convenient!

Nice one mate

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Thu 11th Jul 2019 16:39

Blimey, Brian- we can't go on meeting this way. I enjoy reading this by the way in public.

Don, cheers. As long as it works, and of course it doesn't always.

Laura, praise indeed. Thanks.

Another view across the divide, thanks Mark.

Jason, my eyes are watering at least, thanks.

Jon, Trevor and Lisa thanks for the likes.


<Deleted User> (22158)

Wed 10th Jul 2019 19:23

Reminds me of a surgery I had in my urinary tract! Very relate-able to me..... nice work!

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 10th Jul 2019 12:48

Ha...just as age tells us to take life more leisurely, so does it
embrace the functions of the body. The sound of running water seems to help!
I suspect that the young (we were all young(er) once) automatically
assume that old men will be in less of a hurry anyway and are happy to leave them to it!

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Laura Taylor

Wed 10th Jul 2019 09:18

? ?

Alan would be quietly proud of this - could almost hear his voice speaking it ?

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Don Matthews

Wed 10th Jul 2019 00:20

Nice poem. Nice title....

<Deleted User> (18980)

Tue 9th Jul 2019 21:00

Ray this will resonate with many of us of a certain age. Increasingly I get stage fright when hemmed in.

Like the rhyming Ray!

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