The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


When the aliens come

we'll teach them about love

not destruction

co habitation


instead of ethnic cleansing

how to co-exist.

They can help us save the planet

having reached us from the great beyond.


We can show them our brave new towns

shopping malls

how to be obese

obsequious to VIPs


feel at ease in social circles

how gravity really helps.

They can maybe tell us

how to escape it.


When the aliens come

there'll be room for everyone.





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Sun 29th Sep 2019 21:21

Yes Jennifer, another factor to consider as we stand back in amazement! Spot on...


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jennifer Malden

Sun 29th Sep 2019 15:02

Really enjoyable! What if their politicians were even worse than ours? Can hear Wol members shouting 'Not poss'.

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Sat 28th Sep 2019 13:06

Thanks for the observation Keith. Even for aliens that would be a tough call I fear. I'm pleased you enjoyed it - that's all I would ask.

The alien as a metaphor is a good one Brian. Political cartoons I like, especially Gerald Scarfe!

Jon and Vautaw thanks for stopping by.


<Deleted User> (18980)

Thu 26th Sep 2019 14:10

I remember seeing a political cartoon some years ago, probably in Private Eye, where two aliens are being presented to John Major. The alien is saying "no, we meant a proper leader".

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keith jeffries

Thu 26th Sep 2019 13:55


I so enjoyed this poem that I felt tempted to continue it. As a final stanza we could invite the aliens into the House of Commons to show us how to govern ourselves and learn good manners. Perhaps a course in Poltical Science would not go amiss.

Thanks for this


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