The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 14 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.


Little more than urchins

we were discoverers along dusty terrain

scuffing about with dilapidated bikes

atop old dump hills and down

to jar our bones and test our nerve


cross legged playing with fag cards

using provided handkerchiefs to tie marbles

gorging on the remains of old sweets

ready to burst, so keen we were,

with the ghosts of industry our backdrop,

skeletons against a Middlesex sky.


The backs of council estates shunned our intentions

so our raiding party scattered the grass

of recreation grounds with their long limbed green mowers

to the clang of a maypole,

swinging through the air willing to split heads

or at least make them spin,

and our energy went on forever

until we went home

to news of the Coronation.







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Sat 27th Jul 2019 23:06

Hi Jennifer, I'm glad that you enjoyed my trip back in time. Thanks as always!

Thanks indeed Trevor. It's nice that you can enjoy my kind of voice and I take your point as read . Boredom is quite revealing and I too suffer from it. We all seem to flail about trying to find a true point of contact , I'm pleased you seem to be one in my case.

Thanks for the likes Avishek Devon and Rachel.


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trevor homer

Fri 26th Jul 2019 10:48

Ray, an intriguing insight into the past - an enjoyable reflective odyssey. If we hang on long enough we may be back there again. And besides I'm getting bored with all the derivative shit masquerading about the place'. Blind following the easily led I say! Keep on keeping on.Trevor.

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jennifer Malden

Thu 25th Jul 2019 10:54

Great writing as usual Ray! Can really relate to this one - sounds very familiar - dilapidated bikes - decidedly scruffy like urchins - and we jarred our bones and tested our nerve doing things that could have had serious consequences. At that age injury or death is something that happens to other people!!!!


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