Rigsby would get my vote
the king of a seedy bedsit land
ruler by prejudice
yet both feet insecure
despised but proud
a king wasp in his nest
tortured by desire falling just short.
I would vote for him
in place of a representative
as reliable as any I have yet known.
We all feel sorry for Rigsby
and for ourselves when things go wrong
but he doesn't claim any special privileges
and we wouldn't expect it
if we voted for Rigsby.
Thu 21st Nov 2024 11:00
Thanks one and all: Red Brick, Hugh, Aisha, John, Tom, Trevor and Uilleam for your support in reading.
Glad this appealed David ! I thought he was a candidate for support in his hours of need and of course for his massive skill set and obvious sensitivity to outside influences. None of which are apparent in the average dead from the neck up politician. I know it's irony . I enjoyed Rossiter in Le Petomaine, a real classic vignette of the French performer. I'm sure he was edgy and not an easy person . But Sellers was the same. We will watch him recede into the nylon world of B and Bs. Keep well!
Thanks Uilleam for that observation, one I agree with.
Thanks Stephen - Very much a character of his time in Reggie Perrin, full of angst!