The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

freedom (Remove filter)

In My Life Time

In my entire life,
the worst things to come
upon me,
has come at the,
hands of respectable
people, who call themselves

It has not been,
scary men, in dark shadows.
It has not been,
those people, across the sea.
It has not been,
the conman, stealing my soul.

It has been,
men and their wives,
who own businesses,
and lands,
and courts,
and governments,
and religions,

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Путин научит тебя любить Родину (Official Video) Something Even More Beautiful for You

These Freedom Fighters have my full admiration.

May the Virgin Mary bless them and keep them safe.

Pussy Riot - Putin will teach you how to love / Путин научит тебя любить Родину (Official Video)

Of what use is the Christian Religion,

If its Priests and Nuns side with oppressors,

With the killers of babies and women?

Jesus the Prophet was nailed to...

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Pussy RiotFreedom

Future Found

The colour of your shirt does not determine your standing or standard of life,

Your position within a company does not make you who you are,

When describing one's self it is hard to not chronicle ones job,

Instead regale your sole and subsequent wisdom.

The 8 to 10hours a day you spend away not looking at reflection nor self-righteous meditation can leave you impatient yet waiting and ...

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I had a dream

I hailed a dream 

One dark night

To find myself 

In a place not right


My choices had 

Been taken away 

By a backward court 

Of the grand old ways!


The old wild west

Still held its sway

They said it was

Their country's way


The right to bear arms

Still had its freedom 

No matter how many

Kids were  bleedin'


And all LGBTQ

Had to w...

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Wanderer of wonderlands, 

always ready to gallivant 

around in utopias, where freedom

and euphoria are mandatory, 

where the reverie is sacrosanct;

tilting at windmills, pretending 

this is movement, and not a mere

standstill, eluding a reckoning

with reality, and with such alacrity

fostering the never-ending idyll...

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No rules

This is freedom

Written by a four year old

He didn't care

He wouldn't be told!


He didn't think

About spelling or grammar

He just wanted

To be free, wild and bold

I envy his ability

To do what I wouldn't dare!


K m xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[...

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What is Freedom?

Freedom is not licence

Although some may pretend

Freedom of speech

For example

Gives them permission

To fulfill their own ends


Freedom is a privilege

The meaning of which is greatly debated

Among philosophers and academics alike

Freedom relies on selflessness and selfishness

If you feel free, you are blessed.



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Keep the ship asail, boy

For one day you shall die

Beneath the whip & chains, boy

Your soul shall surely cry 

How dare you break those Shackles, boy!

Your slavery is your duty!

Get back down under decks, boy!

This is pure mutiny!



"Why do you throw me over, boy!"


"Cos, with freedom, boy, there comes much  joy!"


Definitely could be longer lol. But th...

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Marion Braidfute (Wife of Braveheart)

Longshank’s Primae Noctis

Favoured sport of overlord

Returning sullied to my husband, crying,

I grasp his battle sword,

Our Lord this nicht has defiled me 

My virginity tooketh, not giv’n,

Let’s pledge undying hatred afor him

Ne’er shall he e’er be forgiv’n.

Let us seek our retribution, with this sword I will unbleed him

My flower may be stolen, but he’ll ne’er tak my fr...

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(for my grandson)


Freedom is the imagination of a child,

Feelings flowing freely, stories running wild!

Uninhibited by life’s accountancy,

By endless dwelling on profit and loss, not yet

Hemmed in by grey stone walls or iron fences,

By petty quarrels or narrow self-interest.

A child’s imagination soars over such mundanity!

A life still to be lived, will not be so const...

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