The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 30 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Brown and Green

He stares at me

As if I could walk away and leave any second

Take my hands and learn me

Read my palms

Open my heart

I give myself to you

Opening me

Know my insides

And my outside

Studying me

Brown and green

A colored pair

Golden specks

I stare back


Brown curls and blonde locks

When I’m with you

I don't need air

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A Confession

A confession


In the moonlit dreamtime as the 

Warblers rest and stars kiss the midnight sky

I want to die


As the sun rises flirting seductively with

The horizon and cotton candy clouds

Tiptoe across the dawn

I want to die


In nameless parties with empty faces 

And monsters growing with every sip of

Poison they ingest 

I want to die


Within warm...

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deathidealismdepressionmental illnessstrengthhealthy

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