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humanity (Remove filter)


I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore 
since Africa was Eden in my youth. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 

I chewed-up gum-trees with my baby jaw 
and bit the dry red heart with my first tooth. 
I’ve left my clomping prints on every shore. 

Europe roused my growing thirst for war. 
Her spirit fired me up, one hundred proof. 
The sand will bear my dent for evermore. 


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Homo sapienshumanityEarthplanetclimateenvironmentvillanelle

Naked Soul

I've given my soul to the world in a blinding way. I've allowed for them to speak to me laying their hearts on the floor within these four walls. I have seen humanity at it's worst and again at it's best. The human soul is stronger than we give it credit; it can withstand a storm of cruel words and actions that meant to change even the softest individual into someone who looks out upon the world w...

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On the universe, thinking and string theory.

Walk down the street and stop to notice the 20 other people walking too. Consider, first these thoughts you have, now consider theirs too.

You know they are thinking, thinking of dinner, of work and of sex but you are merely an observer, a cognitive voyeur. You gaze at them through the telescope of your eye, and they just beyond that glass, are out of reach. 

You can never leave your own min...

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humanitythe universethought

registered trademark

To me

Humanity and Teflon

Have always been analogous

The more money you throw at it

The longer it lasts

But all it takes is one abrasive incident

One idiot with a metal spoon

And from then on

Each and every little thing

Chips away at it

Like a cancer

Or a fork

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nr. 2

Humanity She is bound. Held down by the hands of many, all exclaiming innocence whilst the gagged girl lies fragile fallen flawless, in all but reputation. Meaty hands grope her broken body, caving into primitive desire that destroys virgin innocence, peace defunct.

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Anarchy runs through my bones, A sanctuary, a mind set in stone, No worth in a life without purpose, Enough people around me trying to surplus, Without reason or must. Society isn't run from home, We're fed a diet of lies and bad omens, A curfew on our personal time, Cursing those who brave past the line, Fucking with your mind. Sobriety is harshly overrated, When the priority is to...

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americabritaindeepdrugshearthighhumanitylessonlifemodern daypeoplepoliticssocietystate of Western society

THE FAMILY - an Acrostic poem



There’s one word that everyone should know and treasure

Hold in reverence for life long companionship and pleasure

Even on the darkest days when pain and distress abound

Family is the one word that can bring a comforting sound

All can benefit if they simply recall their sister & brother

Maybe they are distant people they have yet to discover

In this world there is but o...

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"Night will Fall"

 For those who are alive

To see the British newsreel

And remember the spring of 1945.


The British army entered Bergen-Belsen,

The heart of Germany -

The town of beauty and harmony.

Neat gardens, rich farms, …

All around seemed to have only charms.

English soldiers began to admire the place,

In any case, up to the moment

When they felt the smell.

It looked lik...

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