islam (Remove filter)
Don't You Dare
Don't you dare lie to us about Islam
Don't you dare say ISIS is more than just a sham
The truth is Islam is all about peace and that's a fact
The truth is ISIS has no truth at all, it's all just an act
For just like Christianity, Islam has been misused
For just like Christianity, Islam has been abused
By power seeking maniacs who speak no truth at all
There’s never been ...
Saturday 21st February 2015 12:56 pm
Fox News got an expert in
to tell them about terror
he said he had some beans to spill
and then he made this error
if you ever needed evidence
his analysis is cracked
he told them Birmingham’s gone Muslim
it’s a #foxnewsfact
he’s seen the Mecca Bingo halls
and put two and two together
then come up with 5, or 39,
he’s really not that clever
he thinks Aston’s...
Tuesday 13th January 2015 10:06 am
The Woman Behind the Veil - the great Burqa Debate...
Here we ask is the media and the cosmetics industry as oppressive to women as the Islamic burqua?
Tuesday 11th January 2011 12:11 am
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