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Marla Joy on "The Loop of Flight"
8 hours ago

A Fool

I am not a fool for loving you.
I am not a fool for trusting you.
I am not a fool for giving you
everything that I had.
A fool is not what I am
and a fool is who I shall not be.

It is what you've become
in this situation.

You are the fool for not loving me
the way I deserved to be loved.
You are the fool for not being
the man that you needed to be.
You are the fool for letting me g...

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Foolishlovebrokensadhopemangivng upbaby


Through these halls
I walk alone.
In the classrooms
where I sit with many others
I am still, yet alone.
In the Cafateria
the same thing there goes as well
I am there, yet I am not seen.

Alone is where I am
no matter where I go.
I am here, I am there,
I am everywhere.
And standing there
I try to get
your undivided attention
because I am tired
of being in solitary,
yet I continue ...

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aloneinvisiblenot being sseensadlife


Locked behind Xanax bars; trapped between the ocean and stars 

I lie

To rot away the life I have been given; to choose a life of opposition

For Unless one happened to stumble upon a key; I couldn't be, I know not what she
believes, only that through the drugs she sees 

Through storms we sailed, across the ocean without fail, with glowing eyes that impale she is sure to turn heaven fro...

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Great Sadness, Little Happiness.

Happiness lies in everyone.
Everyone has it, everyone feels it.
But, for me, its a feeling
that I have not felt
for a long period of time
that I don't remember
how It feels to truly be happy.

Because every bit of happiness I come to feel
is destroyed so quickly and is replaced with sadness.

It's as if the world doesn't want me to be happy
that the only feeling I'm only allowed to fee...

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happysadunknown feeling

Two in One

As you continue to stare at me
you'll see that there is only one me,
but if you choose to,
to dig down deeper
past my heart and to my soul
you'll find my true self;
of how I truly feel.

But, when you look at me
on the outside, what do you see?

"Someone who is smiling."
"Someone who is laughing contagiously."
"Someone who is joyful."

But. if you choose to look past all of that

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happysadtwo in onecry for helpjoyfultrue self

Dead Flowers

She’s the kind of girl that gathers withered wildflowers, and sticks them in her hair even though their beauty has gone. There is a broken beauty is something such as flowers without life. Their crumpled petals and weak stems remind her of herself, and almost like looking in a shattered mirror the reflection seen is all too familiar. Is it wrong to collect the things that remind us so much of ours...

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If there was no happieness
There would be nothing to enjoy.

If there was no sadness
There wouldn't be a care in the world.

If there was no friends
there would be loneliness everywhere.

If there was no uphill battles
there would be no courage
to keep on trying.

And if LIFE itself had nothing
imagine what LIFE would be....

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You took my Heart

You took my heart
and held it your arms.

You took my heart
and guard it with your soul.

You took my heart
and filled it with love.

You took my heart
and showed me how to love,
and how it feels to be loved,
but just like that
you tore my heart into pieces.

You took my once empty heart
and filled it love.
Then in a blink of an eye
you destroyed it.
Making my heart
an empty pl...

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brokefilled with lovepiecessadlovedestroy

Lost Child

Each day I starve
is another day closer to death.

Each day that i'm not loved
is another day i realize
that i am not worthy.

And each day that I'm ignored by others
is another day that I'd rather be dead
than suffering in pain.

Because as I've become
this wandering offspring,
I've become to be invisible
to you and all others.

Cause can't you see
that my light brown hair
has b...

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lost childoff springunnoticedjokehappysadlifeunseen

Mommy Please

Mommy please don't let me go,
don't let me be your second priority
because, for 14 years you'd left me
before I could see you;
my mother who'd brought me here

Did you not love me?
I dared to ask myself
and was I what you wanted
I dared to think of.

For years I stood here in pain
and you stood so far away
i'd began to wonder if.
If you'll always be
just a thought in my mind

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beggingblamelove memommysadwonder

Your Meaningless Love

If I asked you if you loved me
would you mean every word you spoke.
If I asked you if you thought of me
- your distant child-
would I find that special moment
when you thought of me so dearly.

But if you ask me if I loved you
there wouldn't be any words
that could express my feelings
I have towards you, just silence in reply.
And if you asked me if I thought of you,
you would see tear...

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lovemeanignlessdaughtermothersaddistant child

My Ghostly brother..???

Robert you have
you have so secretly
become the ghostly brother of mine
that i did not know i had.

In the picture i have
that mother gave to me
you lie in the bottom left corner
on a wooden bench
barely being able to consider
that a be lovable soul was once even there
by its faded colors it express

And sometimes when I try to recapture
at least one memory I might have of you,

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ghostbrothersadquestionheart and dreamless reallifememory of youSpirit.

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