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I swear to tell the … the Whole … and Nothing but the … ! [or The Client Journalist’s - Hack’s Tale]

The Berlin Holocaust Memorial is stark.

For the Tool though, those Stelae made a brilliant backdrop

to his ‘Twenty-Two election publicity lark;

The Shoa, he reduced to a pantomime prop,

Behind you, behind you! Look, Sir, it’s the …!


At Auschwitz yer man is on ‘Twenty-Five’s photo-shoot,

The strain in his face, act studiously honed

to show that he cares, oh, look at him, ...

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truthhopehatehummusPalestiniansIsraelisThe NakbaThe ShoaThe HolocaustBerlinAuschwitz

Listening For Change

This poem is about a society increasingly divided, where accusations fly and truth seems lost. It speaks to the urgency of listening instead of blaming, understanding instead of judging, and choosing hope over fear. In a world where opinions are quickly voiced and emotions run high, the poem urges a shift in perspective—one that values connection, love, and the strength to find hope, even in diffi...

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hopesocietychangeunderstandingsocial medialovestrengthtruthhope vs expectationsdivisionlisteningresiliencefutureempowerment

Haiku for 2025 [No. 4. True Peace or Pieces?]

Seek truth and justice.

Absence of war’s mere pretence!

True peace, not pieces.

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The Fact-Check Paradox

"The Fact-Check Paradox" explores the contradiction at the heart of modern fact-checking: while meant to clarify truth, fact-checkers often impose their own interpretations, leaving people uncertain about what’s verified and what isn’t. This creates a paradox where the pursuit of truth may, in fact, cloud independent judgment. The poem tries to emphasise the need for individuals to think for thems...

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truthfreedomfact-checkingsocial mediacensorshipopinionbiasregulationpublic discourse

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