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possession (Remove filter)

Black hole

Moon eyed she goes 

She is one of the stars

Lonesome she is 

In the presence of Mars


Soon her reflection renews

She is a planetary part apart 

Memories become brand-new 

She is solo in this system 


And as the lights dim 

He becomes hers 

She sucks us in 

Until everything’s hers 

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Black holeplanetstarsmarsidentityreclaimmemorymemoriesreflectiongirlcharacterpersonalityabstractmetaphorinner workreflectiveIntrospectionintrospectiveinwardsanalyticalmaskspersonasself discoveryself workpossession

I am Me

Getting better is as simple as getting up

and doing it.

Or, at least I think it should be.

Worrying about what I’m doing next isn’t helping

When I’m not doing anything right now.


A city on the clouds

Lined with golden bars and silver gates

The prettiest prison you ever did see,

The cloud 9 in the back of my head.


I sit here, and think, about how I

Sit here, ...

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My Entity

Wherever I go,
there you are.

I see you
in stormy skies. 

I feel you
in twilight. 

I smell you 
among the pines.

I hear you 
whispering at night. 

I taste you  
in the words of every love poem. 

You are nowhere to be found,
yet always around.

My entity,
you are the part of me I long to set free.

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I lived my life, most often, like a ghost,

ethereal, drifting from room to room,

a chill chasing me from pillar to post.


Rippling across the senses of those whom,

in solitude, sought meaning in their life

before they passed beyond it to the tomb.


I was not noticed by them, or my wife

who gladly let me rest in silent shade

whilst stab...

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Banished to Eden


We blend into each other’s colours

begging serpent’s curiosity of insidious skin.

Sullen hand removed, reveals scars in their beauty

motherhood replaced by conjured virgin within


Love’s chameleon tongues a hedonism

anxious lips kiss curved ribs appled in eye

pole dancing a Jacob’s ladder of debauchery

“Don’t move” you cry, and I’m flung far and wide



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Awaited awakening

loose lipped, tight tipped

Injecting deep into me

formaldehyde of jealousy


 Rhythmic warm chill

presses on pulsating throat

sticky skin anoints

soothing balm of obssession



Surrender fills silence

thighs pillow dormant anger

your cunning apology

having resentfully missed me


tendrilled fingertip...

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