time (Remove filter)
Child robbers
I wished you did not miss me because the though of that hurts to the core
I wished i did not ever have to feel the pain,
of you not missing me even more.
I think back to our times at home
your first memories of being so small in my arms
The hours i spent watching you dream
Wishing and hoping i could be the best mother i could be
for you to get the best life you deserve from me.
Tuesday 11th December 2018 2:12 pm
Salutations for Sally
I wrote this poem for my wife's birthday.
Salutations for Sally
The years don’t pass slowly anymore,
But there’s still time for an eternity
In your eyes, in your arms, your love.
Each moment a step to infinity,
But time doesn’t march, it ascends,
And we rise on the years,
Sadder, yes, but wiser and
More loving, more understanding.
And you lift everything around you
...Monday 10th December 2018 11:51 am
The Promise
It has been so many years
since that moment of truth
when finally you were truly alone
It has been so many years
since you flew with the flames
as the organ played
and I looked out at the distant horizon
seeing you there drifting away
into finality
It has been so many years
since I made you a promise
I could not keep
You said
Do no...
Monday 19th November 2018 11:46 am
How do you know?
How do you know if time is being wasted?
Drifting so far away from the honesty that the honesty becomes a lie,
How do you know if it's what's meant to be, if im with you and he's not with me?
They say time you enjoy wasting, isn't wasted time,
But does that apply when you've got your enjoyment, and I've lost mine?
How do you know what's meant to be?
I'm with you, and he's no...
Monday 5th November 2018 6:57 pm
Time to party
Time is gearing itself up
for the start of the party
Tick tock tick tock
The second hand making
its way impatiently
around the face
counting down until the
festivities begin
little time to waste
the minute hand has
more haste and less speed
steadily moving round
reveling in the moments
taking each one in
without a single sound
then t...
Thursday 25th October 2018 4:37 pm
It is so many years
since I felt some part of me wane:
all those thousands of days
since we spoke of nothing -
could find no words;
and even many more
since there were whispers
as we lay naked in the night
or in the cottage garden
beneath the harvest sun
It is so many years
that I have known that dark void:
deep within my very soul
and in all those long ...
Thursday 28th June 2018 3:04 pm
The Summer of Love
Wandering through the sunlit trees
on grassy bluebell banks, brackened
by the unfurling of softly sensual shoots;
strolling in the tide turn rippling sea
as toes sift soft sea sand, silted
and lost to the advancing wave weft;
striding across bare barren felltop
on sheep shorn Spring sprung sod, surrounded
by haze horizoned hills and hills and hills;
standing by the quie...
Friday 25th May 2018 4:36 pm
Some who've suffered grief and strife
May see Time as the thief of life,
Every minute of every hour
Proving Time's remorseless power.
But Time's account is the sum of our days
Offering credit in so many ways,
And we owe it to ourselves- and it
To make best use of every bit.
Let 'waste not - want not' be your creed
For Time - the healer and true friend in need.
...Friday 25th May 2018 2:23 pm
All the Years [revision]
In my mind
buried deep
a golden grain
of Welsh
In my mind
our impressions
in the hot sand
where we
It is there
buried deep
that single second
that moment
in which our
Friday 4th May 2018 4:19 pm
All the Years
In my mind
buried deep
a golden grain
of Welsh
In my mind
shallow dips
in the hot sand
where we
It is there
buried deep
that single second
that moment
in which our
Friday 4th May 2018 11:46 am
The infinite space between life and death
Expanding contracting held in a breath
Lost in a moment born in a wave
Warm at the birth cold at the grave
In between we fail to measure
Add subtract hurry treasure
Learn expect wish and dread
Wake from slumber sleep abed
All the time, all the space
Held then wasted falls from grace
We own we lose we kee...
Sunday 29th April 2018 9:13 pm
Move on
Life is too short and so
to save time,
to be efficient.
I wear an Einstein wardrobe;
white blouse, black jeans, boots, yet
when a kaleidoscope of colour
flounces before me, I envy
the flamboyance,
I indulge in the dream of being
free to reside in sparkling rainbows
simply dancing, with no destination
kicking away scrumpled up “to-do” lists
tossed asi...
Tuesday 10th April 2018 7:08 pm
On Hearing a Loved One's Fate ... E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle [1]
He spoke
And then it seemed
The mist and perhaps my mind swirled round
A sickening looping helix
From that still small sphere of heat.
In the chill of a dusk we descended
Beneath a frosted sickle moon
Descended into the Stygian blackness
Of land above a still lake
From which no lunar gleam escaped
The frigid darkness was intense, solid
Consuming all my senses -
Wednesday 4th April 2018 12:01 am
You aren't a stranger
But still a jigsaw
Learning your edges
And roller coasters ways
I want to find your treasures
And what makes you, you
My sight see's great
My heart feels this is it
Waiting for you to take me back in time
As I listen
And capture your past with memory
Not a picture as you will be exposed
Only by identity we matched
I want to study you like a history book
Maybe te...
Thursday 15th March 2018 12:35 pm
The Future
a week ago
a professor asked me
what i wanted to do with my life,
the quesiton caught me wrong-footed;
two decades ago
learning to walk,
a decade ago
learning my body,
5 years ago
discovering love,
3 years ago,
accepting my body
a month ago,
accepting who i am
and now?
thrust into the unknown,
an oblivion that teases me;
infinite doors t...
Tuesday 6th March 2018 11:13 pm
I laid it out
Just like a map
Giving directions
Very detailed information
But, still I came as a surprise
I told you my life in one breath
Finances, school, employment, debt, past relationships, and experiences
You traveled over time
To different parts of my body
Eventually in and out
Learning my likes and dislikes
But, you became distant
As though I was a surpr...
Sunday 18th February 2018 3:49 pm
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