The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

spirituality (Remove filter)

sapiosexual - attracted to intelligence

practicing chiropractors
correct us —
posture up —
try, and
… stand upright

formless before the big bang
chaotic with a dark past, and
the light an omnipresent
cognizant force with foresight
for the universes future is in order

simulation theory
0’s & 1’s
the singularity
near infinite
expanding with each addition
times, O
multiplied it is still nil



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The Triple Passage of Mortality

Inspired by John Donne's sermon Death's Duel, this poem examines the profound dimensions of death: deliverance from its grip, sanctity within its grasp, and redemption through Christ's ultimate sacrifice. Rendered in a solemn yet reflective tone, it contemplates the mortal journey towards eternal life.

When first we breathe, the womb becomes a gate,
Where life begins—a trembling, fragile st...

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John Donnemortalitysalvationtheologyspiritualityredemptioneternal lifedeathdivine lovepoetry

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