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darkness (Remove filter)

Eternal Dusk

In the twilight of eternal dusk, so cold and vast

Where the night stretches mercilessly, shadows cast

Wanders Conan the barbarian on a path so dire

Lost in the storm of a cruel fate, ensnared by fire

Shadows lengthen, dark serpents glide

Echoes of the past are screams that cannot hide

In the vortex of a destiny wrapped in anguish tight

The steel of his blade mirrors terror’s f...

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Gone Girl

I collect up the pieces of my former life

Photos, articles, trinkets and pictures,

that reverberate with a life once lived,

far away from where  I am now.

I was once a borderline, edging death.

A cathartic catchpole where I caught nothing but pain. 

Grazing on the  remnants of the past, I realise 

that I was set up to fail.

No one there to see the beating heart of kindness.


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divorceseparationlifelovelightdarknesspastnew start

When The Darkness Falls

It’s colder now and seems somehow

more empty than before.

I wish I’d known the future then,

and what it held in store.

No longer is there will of heart

to venture form these walls,

and so I sit alone inside…

when the darkness falls.


Each stone hand crafted for the cause

to block away the pain.

The mortar mixed to guarantee

no feeling will remain.

A mist ens...

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