The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 28 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Pecking

In the yard's dust-bowl kingdom, hens

Scratch their ancient rhythms. Until

Blood springs – a single drop

Like a red asterisk in white feathers.


Then something older than bone

Switches on behind her eye. Machinery

Of beak and claw engages, pre-programmed,

As if the first raptor never died.


Her neck snakes forward, hooked weapon

Drilling deep, each strike

A vi...

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betrayalfamilyhensmother nature


Two birds left the nest after they had learned to fly,

setting off to find what the world has got to give.

Each had what it takes to ascend into the sky,

but each bird also had different reasons why they lived.


One lived a life to soar above, his days spent in the air.

The other lived to gather in and build a stable home.

One was carefree enjoying daily views beyond com...

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A Little Time



Daddy, spend some time with me,

it’s all I really need.


It doesn’t have to be that much,

let’s go do simple things.


Help me remember times back when

I was a little girl,


when you called me your princess doll,

back when you used to twirl


me round and round. You’d tossed me high,

just simply having fun.


So, Daddy let’s ...

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fatherdaughterfamilyspending time

ash & blood

I can’t tell which is worse:
a fire or a flood.

at first, there doesn’t seem to be a difference;
you lose everything in both.
when you take a second look, the monster has grown.

the fire is insatiable. 
it devours what’s in sight. 
in the end, you have nothing to come back to. 
it’s not a choice you get to make.

the flood is curious. 
it touches everything within reach.
like a chi...

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teenage bullshitdisastersfamilyloss of power

Memento Mori

Memento Mori


Sun shone through the greying lace,

And highlighted her wrinkled face.

Dormant now, no signs of breath,

Not unexpected, a timely death.

Months of pain relieved by time,

Old age being nature’s ultimate crime.

A better place her soul now seeks,

Drying tears nestled on hollowed cheeks.

This disappearing woman faded from sight,

Unnoticed, she left us all...

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